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My bathroom is in direct allignment with my front door. Unless the bathroom door is almost closed I can see my toilet when I come in the door. Can this be alleviated? Also, my bedroom is in the Northeast of my house which is my Spook sector of my ideal house, what can I do?
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Dear Anon,
The best option (if you can) is to place a partition between the door and the toilet entrance.
The partition can either be closer to the toilet area or the main entrance door.
If the layout of your home is `L' shaped, it would be good to break the room into two `rectangles' using a divider.
If you are using a divider to block the view of the toilet/ main entrance, it need not necessarily be of full height i.e. not necessary to be up to the height of the ceiling.
So long as if one stands at the main entrance and cannot see the toilet door it (the toilet door) no longer becomes a `threat' or Sha Qi.
The other option is to close the toilet door when not in use. This can be done individually or inconjunction with a partition height.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/6/01 7:21:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
My bathroom is in direct
allignment with my front door.
Unless the bathroom door is
almost closed I can see my
toilet when I come in the
door. Can this be alleviated?
Also, my bedroom is in the
Northeast of my house which is
my Spook sector of my ideal
house, what can I do?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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