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Could somebody please clear my doubt.
I have read somewhere that the type of house(East/West) a house belongs is used to determince the 4 good and 4 bad SECTIONS of the house.
It says that one will sleep in one of the good SECTIONS of the house according to the '8 house type' and face one of the favourable DIRECTIONS according to KUA number.
It will mean that if i'm a West Person but have to stay in a EAST house, I still sleep in the Favourable SECTIONS of West-house(N,S,SE,E) and face my favourable DIRECTIONS according to my KUA number.
Is this true?
I'm really confused by the different versions.
Your help is appreciated
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Dear Lin Nah,
1. As a reference we can look at this url:
2. There is a manual version of the Eight House Theory or Concept.
For a West house person:
favourable: West, NW, NE and SW.
(ref: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/west.htm )
For a East house person:
favourable: East, North, South & SE
(ref: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/east.htm )
3. The above matches your description of the East House person.
4. In my opinion, it is not true that a "WEST" person have to stay in an EAST house. Perhaps, you have to properly clarify what you mean by an " WEST " person.
Do you mean that a WEST person = or not equal to the term " East House ".
5. Whenever we try to understand a concept either from a specific book or many books, the terminology may not be the same or similar.
6. It is advisable to read and understand the concept of what the author is trying to say. Rather than to `mix' and match similar terms from various authors.
7. You mentioned "It will mean that if i'm a
West Person but have to stay
in a EAST house, " Based on what I read here, this is not `correct'.
8. A West person should instead preferably stay in a `West House'. Which is a home where the entrance door is located at either West, NW, NE and SW.
And as far as possible the locations where a West person spends time at should be auspicious. Preferably the bed is located at a good sector such as NW, NE or SW if the main entrance door is at e.g. West.
9. There are also priorities and ranking in Feng Shui:
9.1 Is it more important to `face' a good direction or sleep in an auspicious sector?
10. In my opinion, it is best that the house adhere firstly to good Shapes and Forms. Especially the bedroom.
For example: The bed should preferably be against a wall; try not to have the bed on the same wall as the bedroom door etc...
Only after the about "condition " has been satisifed should we then look at where we sleep. If possible, the bed should be at an auspicious location. If not... kind of -- "Too bad".
Alternatively, let the spouse sleep closer to the good sector and the person sleep further away or next to the spouse.
11. After having `satisfied' the above condition, then it is NICE to have, one sleep `facing' a good direction.
12. Holistic Feng Shui is similar to taking an examination. This is where we have to try to score marks in all `questions' or areas.
For example: if the examination questions is divided into three sections:
1. Shapes and Form (Exterior and Interior) - 50 marks.
2. Eight House - 25 marks
3. Flying star of the house - 25 marks
It is no point scoring full marks for the Eight House' test i.e. 25 marks and failing the rest.
This is where most of us get the wrong idea of Feng Shui and simply concentrate (like mad) on just one area forgetting the rest.
We can't just drive away a car without the " four wheels! ". Every component in the car is just as important!
Warmest Regards,

On 5/10/01 10:33:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Could somebody please clear my
I have read somewhere that the
type of house(East/West) a
house belongs is used to
determince the 4 good and 4
bad SECTIONS of the house.
It says that one will sleep in
one of the good SECTIONS of
the house according to the '8
house type' and face one of
the favourable DIRECTIONS
according to KUA number.
It will mean that if i'm a
West Person but have to stay
in a EAST house, I still sleep
in the Favourable SECTIONS of
West-house(N,S,SE,E) and face
my favourable DIRECTIONS
according to my KUA number.
Is this true?
I'm really confused by the
different versions.
Your help is appreciated

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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From my understanding people can be classiflied as East/West group person. For example I'm a female born in 1973, I belong to the West-group people and the most favourable house for me will be CHIEN which is a WEST house.
The favourable LOCATIONS of WEST house are (NE,NW,W,SW) and favourable LOCATIONS of EAST house are (N,S,SE,E)
My concern is if I have to stay in a EAST house, do I locate my bedroom in EAST house favourable LOCATIONS(NE,NW,W,SW)
or WEST house favourable LOCATIONS(N,S,SE,E)?
Hopefully, I get my question right this time.
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