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Good Morning to Cecil, Robert and fellow forum members,
I am reading Lillian Too's Chinese Numerology. As Robert pointed out earlier, she skipped a lot of details and there are some minor errors in the book. After understanding the FS method introduced in the book, I have a few questions to ask regarding this school of geomancy.
1. To understand the meaning better, I would like to know the actual Chinese character for "Siang Sin" and "Chor Sin". Correct me if I am wrong:
"Sin" means Star
"Siang" is the Siang in "Ji2 Siang2" (auspicious)
No idea about "Chor"
2. These two secondary stars correspond to the Mountain Star and Water Star mentioned in Geomancy-online's Flying Star report:
Mountain Star = Chor Sin
Water Star = Siang Sin, right?
3. Lillian mentioned that we have to know the bearing of the BACK DOOR too. But I didn't see how that was used in the method. Was that a mistake?
4. Correct me if I am wrong here:
To analyse a house with Flying Star method, we have to know
i. the completion date of the house
ii. the period of interest (7 for 1984-2003, called the reigning number)
1. Start from the Lo-Shu grid of the reigning number.
2. Depends on the bearing of the Main Entrance, fill in the center secondary stars.
3. Depends on the sector bearing of the Main Entrance, deduce the movement (+ or -) of the Siang Sin.
4. Depends on the sector bearing of the Main Entrance and the ODD/EVEN of the center Chor Sin, deduce the movement of the Chor Sin.
1. I don't see the how the Completion Date of the house is used. How is that piece of info used?
Thank you very much.

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Dear Rose
Here's my comment:

1. To understand the meaning better, I would like to know the actual
Chinese character for "Siang Sin" and "Chor Sin". Correct me if I am wrong:
"Sin" means Star
"Siang" is the Siang in "Ji2 Siang2" (auspicious)
In chinese language, it is 'Facing' or 'Direction' as in 'xiang4'.
No idea about "Chor"
In chinese language, Chor is 'sit' as in 'zhuo4'.
2. These two secondary stars correspond to the Mountain Star and Water
Star mentioned in Geomancy-online's Flying Star report:
Mountain Star = Chor Sin
Water Star = Siang Sin, right?
Quote from website: Yes, there are different names for it, we prefer to call
it Mountain and Water as it is easiler to apply the cures. Once you see the
Mountain, you know just have to use an object with mass. When you seen
Water, you need to have a fountain, fish tank or open area.

I'll leave the in-depth portion to Cecil/Robert to respond.
Hope the above helps.
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On 5/20/99 7:04:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Once you see the Mountain, you know just
have to use an object with mass. When you
see Water, you need to have a fountain, fish
tank or open area.
Correct me if I am wrong:
Mountain Stars are found in the sectors with mountain star numerals = 1, 6, 7 or 8
What about Water Stars? I don't see any Water Stars in my FS charts.

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Thanks Eve, for your good reply:)
As Eve correctly pointed out that Sin means Star. Mountain Star means
`Chor Sin' and Water Star means `Siang Sin'.
Actually, fellow forum members, do not be taken aback by these two words. If
you relate properly, it goes back to the concept of the Four Symbolic
Animals Concept i.e. a clean open space infront of the house and a solid
backing at the back.
Let me elaborate further:-
What is Facing?
In Feng Shui, Facing is similiar to: Open space, `Siang Sin' (Water
What is Sitting?
Sitting is similar to Mountain or solid backing or `Chor Sin'. Examples of
`Sitting' area is a high wall.
Why call it `Facing' and `Sitting'?
In Feng Shui when you have a facing, for example, the main entrance area,
you should have open space or (water star). This implies that the area/view
around facing position should be `flat' and clear. But behind the facing, it
should be protected e.g. by a wall.
This is the same principle as when you open the main entrance door, Qi or
(Ch'i) must not flow directly out of the window at the opposite side. Qi
must be allowed to meander or circulate around the house. Here in this
example, while the facing should have an open space, immediately behind the
facing direction, you should have a Mountain (Sitting position).
Another way of looking at the `Sitting' position is that behind your
`sitting' position, it is best to have a wall behind you and not a window.
Here, you can easily relate the Facing ( The Bird or Phoenix under the 4
Symbolic Animals Theory) and the Sitting (a solid backing or the Tortise).
The explanation on the Luo pan works the same way.
Yes, if you are patient, our Flying Star Course will in fact, give you the
different types of Flying Star methods for our students to understand and
have a better picture of all Feng Shui schools relating to the Flying Star
Course. *As Robert had explained in an earlier message that there are a few
Schools or methods of the Flying Star.
As Rose wanted to know why seldom we see the Water star in the Flying Star
Report is that unlike the Mountain star, which one can activate if there is
a mountain star found and also satisfy the condition that there must be a
solid backing e.g. a wall and not a window. A water star is always around
e.g. at the main door entrance where you should have the water star or a
clear space to allow good Qi to flow in. Similarly, you should activate the
water star in the living room i.e. do not have overly tall furniture in the
living room area. Display cabinets on the walls are fine.
(Note: As part of our efforts to use proper Romanized terms, we will no
longer use the term Ch'i but Qi instead.)
Warmest Regards,

----> Eve's Reply to Rose's Questions

1. To understand the meaning better, I would like to know the actual
Chinese character for "Siang Sin" and "Chor Sin". Correct me if I am wrong:
"Sin" means Star
"Siang" is the Siang in "Ji2 Siang2" (auspicious)
---->In chinese language, it is 'Facing' or 'Direction' as in 'xiang4'.
No idea about "Chor"
---->In chinese language, Chor is 'sit' as in 'zhuo4'.
2. These two secondary stars correspond to the Mountain Star and Water
Star mentioned in Geomancy-online's Flying Star report:
Mountain Star = Chor Sin
Water Star = Siang Sin, right?

---->Quote from website: Yes, there are different names for it, we prefer to
it Mountain and Water as it is easiler to apply the cures. Once you see the
Mountain, you know just have to use an object with mass. When you seen
Water, you need to have a fountain, fish tank or open area.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Rose,
I have replied to this in an earlier message. However, do take note that the
water star represents a clear space or open space. Here, in a house there
are not many locations that you can activate the water star.
The two areas are :
1. The front of your house should open to a clear flat space.
2. The living room area. You still can have display cabinets. Just visualize
yourself sitting at the couch and seeing TV. The living room should have a
clear open space.
Contrast this to a Mountain or `Sitting' star. The Mountain star requires a
wall and its presence.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: Flying Star Computation Method

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.

On 5/20/99 7:04:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Once you see the Mountain, you know just
have to use an object with mass. When you
see Water, you need to have a fountain, fish
tank or open area.
Correct me if I am wrong:
Mountain Stars are found in the sectors with mountain star numerals = 1, 6,
7 or 8
What about Water Stars? I don't see any Water Stars in my FS charts.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Rose,
Sorry for the late reply, as I was busy with other projects at hand, so did
not participate in the Forum as much.
Please read below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: Flying Star Computation Method

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.

On 5/20/99 7:04:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Once you see the Mountain, you know just
have to use an object with mass. When you
see Water, you need to have a fountain, fish
tank or open area.
Correct me if I am wrong:
Mountain Stars are found in the sectors with mountain star numerals = 1, 6,
7 or 8
What about Water Stars? I don't see any Water Stars in my FS charts.

Water Star is normally not found because, it requires open space to
activate. Unlike Mountain Star, which you can activate so long it is found
in a room, and there is a solid "wall" behind that location to activate it.
Water star is normally activated for open area, so mostly outside or large
living room. But in any case to activate it you need to maintain a fish tank
or water front area. Which is simply not very practical for everyone.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee


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Dear Rose,
Sorry for the late reply, as I was busy with other projects at hand, so did
not participate in the Forum as much.
Please read below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 10:50 AM
Subject: Flying Star Computation Method

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
Good Morning to Cecil, Robert and fellow forum members,
I am reading Lillian Too's Chinese Numerology. As Robert pointed out
earlier, she skipped a lot of details and there are some minor errors in the
book. After understanding the FS method introduced in the book, I have a
few questions to ask regarding this school of geomancy.
1. To understand the meaning better, I would like to know the actual
Chinese character for "Siang Sin" and "Chor Sin". Correct me if I am wrong:
"Sin" means Star
"Siang" is the Siang in "Ji2 Siang2" (auspicious)
No idea about "Chor"
2. These two secondary stars correspond to the Mountain Star and Water
Star mentioned in Geomancy-online's Flying Star report:
Mountain Star = Chor Sin
Water Star = Siang Sin, right?
3. Lillian mentioned that we have to know the bearing of the BACK DOOR
too. But I didn't see how that was used in the method. Was that a mistake?

Actually, the back door is only needed, just for knowing if a certain
location is good or bad. Remember in certain location, if it falls under a
main door, or back door or room, etc? Only need to use this information when
you are using the conditions for activating or knowing if it is auspicious.
No need to use it in the actual calculation.

4. Correct me if I am wrong here:
To analyse a house with Flying Star method, we have to know
i. the completion date of the house
ii. the period of interest (7 for 1984-2003, called the reigning number)
1. Start from the Lo-Shu grid of the reigning number.
2. Depends on the bearing of the Main Entrance, fill in the center
secondary stars.
3. Depends on the sector bearing of the Main Entrance, deduce the movement
(+ or -) of the Siang Sin.
4. Depends on the sector bearing of the Main Entrance and the ODD/EVEN of
the center Chor Sin, deduce the movement of the Chor Sin.

Actually the correct way is:-
Base Star
1. Know the competion of the date of house or last major renovated date.
This information immediate helps to deduce the Period for 20-year (Reigning
2. Layout the Base Star onto a 9 Grid Square or 8 Wedged Pie layout (both
essentially the same).
Water Star
3. Obtain the exact bearing of the Main Door, to deduce the Water Star
(Facing Star).
4. Deduce the movement of the Water Star (Forward/Reverse)
5. Layout the Water Star onto a 9 Grid Square or 8 Wedged Pie layout (both
essentially the same).
Mountain Star
6. Opposite the Water Star direction is the Mountain Star (Sitting Star).
7. Deduce the movement of the Mountain Star (Forward/Reverse)
8. Layout the Mountain Star onto a 9 Grid Square or 8 Wedged Pie layout
(both essentially the same).
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

1. I don't see the how the Completion Date of the house is used. How is
that piece of info used?
Thank you very much.

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On 5/22/99 9:37:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Actually the correct way is:-
Base Star
1. Know the competion of the date of house >or last major renovated date.
This information immediate helps to deduce >the Period for 20-year (Reigning Number)
2. Layout the Base Star onto a 9 Grid Square >or 8 Wedged Pie layout (both essentially the >same).

So, to determine the Base Star, we only need the completion date (or last major renovation date) of the house.
e.g. 1964-1983, period 6, reigning # is 6
1984-2003, period 7, reigning # is 7
Don't we have to take into consideration the period of interest? For example, for House A built in period 6, it might be an auspicious house during period 6 itself, but became inauspicious in period 7 and 8. When analysing House A for period 6, we use reigning number 6. What about analysing it for period 7 and 8?
Thank you.
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Dear Rose,
Please read below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Flying Star Computation Method

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.

On 5/22/99 9:37:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Actually the correct way is:-
Base Star
1. Know the competion of the date of house >or last major renovated date.
This information immediate helps to deduce >the Period for 20-year
(Reigning Number)
2. Layout the Base Star onto a 9 Grid Square >or 8 Wedged Pie layout (both
essentially the >same).

So, to determine the Base Star, we only need the completion date (or last
major renovation date) of the house.
e.g. 1964-1983, period 6, reigning # is 6
1984-2003, period 7, reigning # is 7
Don't we have to take into consideration the period of interest? For
example, for House A built in period 6, it might be an auspicious house
during period 6 itself, but became inauspicious in period 7 and 8. When
analysing House A for period 6, we use reigning number 6. What about
analysing it for period 7 and 8?

The 20-year base star will not change even if you proceed to the next period
say period 7, 8 or even 9. This is the birth chart of the house. Just like
your own birth chart for the Pillars of Destiny. It will remain the same so
long as you do not make any major renovation to the house.
The influences for the 20-year and Mountain/Water star in the main 20-year
chart stay the same for the entire house so long as the house is not
renovated. Which is why sometimes there is times where the house is so bad
that no amounts of cure is enough to solve the situation. This is why the
Flying Star is so powerful. It takes the Time of the House as well as the
time which you are in. The influence of each element is similar to having a
different influence of Qi present in the house.
Thus, Flying Star allows a practitioner which does not have powerful
intuition to be able to predict the influence of the house. This is often
the same interpretation if it is done by some master who has very strong
Yes, you will still take on the individual year for the analysis. This is
here if you noticed in the report, there is a Yearly Flying Star, this is
where the relationship between the current year is made to the 20-year
(house base star). In fact there is also a monthly analysis right? However,
I haven't yet put in the module to analyse the monthly star. But in any
case, the interpretation is similar to that of the yearly chart, excepts
that it goes deeper into detail. But for most cases, solving the 20-year and
year influence is the most important. The monthly analysis just helps you to
pin point the exact month which you will likely encounter the influences.
That is how you analyse the yearly influence of each year. You will not
analyse the details against the next 20-year of the following period. There
is no need for it as it is taken care by a more detailed analysis of the
yearly chart.
In any case, the effects of the stars, is often enhanced by the external
influence created by sha qi or even the water course shapes and forms which
often enhance the bad influences of the stars. For example, if the location
NW has star 5 & 2 which symbolises misfortune, and there is a road outside
the house which cuts directly into that direction of your house, it creates
an additional influence which strengthens the 5 & 2 making the influence of
the house even more inauspicious.
Many practitioner of Xuan Kong normally, takes only the calculation and
provide you with the details, but in actual fact a good Xuan Kong analysis,
needs the helps of many other schools such as Eight House, Shapes and forms,
your personal element in order to determine if it is good or bad for you.
No two stones are the same for two different person, each with its own
favourable and unfavourable influence, will react differently to the stars.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Thank you.
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