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I have alot of metal candle holders, however, fire destroys metal...should I be using them?
I have a north bedroom that would benefit from water, but you are not susposed to use water in a bedroom..any suggestions?
Thanks, Bonnie Shea, Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
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Dear Bonnie,
As this relates to the home, the Five Elements concept (in Traditional Feng Shui) has to be related to the Flying Star analysis.
Where, each sector in the Flying Star analysis is looked at i.e. the interaction of the elements of the mountain star# + water star# + base number. The result of this interaction will determine whether there is any imbalances at the specific sector.
What you mentioned is in my opinion very basic observations of the Five elements concept.
In quite alot of replies, I do mentioned that because of the `bad' elements such as #5 misfortune and #2 sickness which are both earth elements and bad wood #3 are often found in the home in various sectors.
In such a situation, having metal element is considered quite a safe `element' even if there MAY be quite alot of it. Metal is used mostly to neutralise the bad earth and bad wood elements.
For information, Fire destroys metal may not necessarily be bad. For example, please take a look at this sample logo:-
You will notice that the first two pictures show one of my country's local bank's logo:-
Where fire element is represented by (purple).
And the I-ching coin at the centre of the logo represents metal.
Here, the Fire element is used to destroy metal the result? Is suppose to create wealth.
It is best to fully understand the Five elements concept rather than to apply it in the wrong manner.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/17/01 6:44:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have alot of metal candle
holders, however, fire
destroys metal...should I be
using them?
I have a north bedroom that
would benefit from water, but
you are not susposed to use
water in a bedroom..any
Thanks, Bonnie Shea, Halifax
Nova Scotia Canada

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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