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I have a small townhouse with a two-car garage. The center of the home is in the garage. I enter my house through the garage door then through the kitchen door. If I stand in the exact center and draw a line through the center of the kitchen door it is 360 degrees North. If I stand in the exact center and draw a line through the center of the garage door it is 255 degrees West. The formal front door is 165 degrees South. What direction should I use?
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Dear Janne,
If you can draw a sketch using one of the paint programs or scanned image, you can upload it together with your forum message under this forum. However, it is preferred to upload a small file i.e. under .jpg format or less than 250,000 K file.
I believe a sketch would be easier to understand then the description.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/30/01 9:31:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have a small townhouse with
a two-car garage. The center
of the home is in the garage.
I enter my house through the
garage door then through the
kitchen door. If I stand in
the exact center and draw a
line through the center of the
kitchen door it is 360 degrees
North. If I stand in the exact
center and draw a line through
the center of the garage door
it is 255 degrees West. The
formal front door is 165
degrees South. What direction
should I use?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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