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I have a question. How do i read a compass.. for example, I want to find out what direction my house is sitting on. I used the compass outside the front door with the compass facing inside the house. It pointed East. So does that mean my house is sitting in the east side??? then where is the west. Is it the house across the street??? Also I am trying to use the compass Ba Gua but I don't know how to read it.. Please help. THanks
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  • Staff

Dear Anon,
You can find out more on how to take a compass reading under the following links:-
1. http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm
2. How to use an ordinary compass:-
The above determination is based on the use of an ordinary compass.
Please note that the method you used below is not `correct'.
Warmest Regards,

On 6/13/01 6:51:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have a question. How do i
read a compass.. for example,
I want to find out what
direction my house is sitting
on. I used the compass outside
the front door with the
compass facing inside the
house. It pointed East. So
does that mean my house is
sitting in the east side???
then where is the west. Is it
the house across the street???
Also I am trying to use the
compass Ba Gua but I don't
know how to read it.. Please
help. THanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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