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Dear Jeanette,
1. It is good to understand that, as a guide, a missing corner should be one where there is a 33.3 percent missing `area' in a specific sector. Here, the home is sub-divided in 9 equal divisions or a 3 x 3 grid.
2. It is good to examine, whether it is really a missing corner or a protrusion. As different `treatment'/intrepretation is used.
3. If there is a missing corner in the home and the house is a:
3.1 Landed property
If it is a landed property, an outline of the `missing area' or boundary can be created outside the house.
A top-view will then show that the missing area has been outlined by a boundary. The boundary can be shrubs, fencing or layout on the grass / concrete floor.
One can also place pots of plants to form the `missing' outline.
3.2 An apartment/flat/condominium house
One way is to install mirrors on the wall(s) to negate the `missing' corners. Some FS practitioners recommend; the placement of a wind chime. However, this should be done with care (after proper assessment). Else, one may use trial and error FS.
Otherwise, there are fewer remedies for this.
As for "family side" or "creativity side", this is not widely used in Traditional FS.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/6/2001 4:07:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
dear ann:
i have missing areas in my
home the family side and the
creativity side. how can i
cure this situation?
thanks sooo much

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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