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We are looking at a shop house location and found one that is situated next to an
overhead pass. The location is at the point
where the overhead pass/bridge straigtens..ie at the end of it.
Although house is not directly under bridge but its next to it..what is the impact on business ? I heard that business locations should not be located under the bridge.
Please advise.
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Dear Shirlee,
1. It depends.
2. If you have picture(s), I can take a look at it as the `fortune' or wealth can be affected adversely at such locations. For example, it can either be inauspicious or auspicious.
3. It is always best that you look at the commercial viablility mainly:-
3.1 History of previous business.
Try to find out, the type of business and if you are going in on with the same business.
Why did the previous owner give up? (if it is an existing location). How is business at the locality.
3.2 If you have the time, try to monitor the traffic and business (depending on the week of the day i.e. sample of business on a Monday-Friday? And Sat - Sun if you intend to open the shop.
3.3 The frontage of the shop is equally important.
Since, not all cases are identical, try to find out more...
Like I mentioned earlier, it can be a two edged sword... some sites can be very auspicious while others... a `disaster' for business.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/17/2001 4:00:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
We are looking at a shop house
location and found one that is
situated next to an
overhead pass. The location is
at the point
where the overhead pass/bridge
straigtens..ie at the end of
Although house is not directly
under bridge but its next to
it..what is the impact on
business ? I heard that
business locations should not
be located under the bridge.
Please advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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