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Dear Cecil & Robert,
I have read in a Feng Shui master's website that
1. the sector with Water Star #7 is the primary wealth sector
2. the sector with Mountain Star #8 is the secondary wealth sector
Is that "absolutely" true? Or are there any other factors need to be considered?
Thanks and best regards,

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Dear Rose,
The `strange' thing about Feng Shui is that from my personal experience is
that, the more we are conscious of finding the wealth sector, it really
becomes very elusive and worse still, it becomes `non-exisitent' for those
looking for it. It is best not to research or focus our thoughts into
searching it. This is because, if it can easily be found, a Feng Shui Master
in the past would have written a book soley on it.
But if we are aware, Feng Shui is vast and it emcompass Shapes and form and
the Compass Schools. But remember that Feng Shui is about our Earth Luck and
how we can change it. There is the Heaven Luck that we may not be able to
This message is not directed at you but in general that it is better to
focus on Feng Shui and its objective of harmony of one with his environment.
Here, we can achieve not only `wealth' but health and happiness.
Please see below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 10:35 PM
Subject: Wealth Sector in Flying Star

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil & Robert,
I have read in a Feng Shui master's website that
1. the sector with Water Star #7 is the primary wealth sector
There are many ways of looking at the `wealth sector'. Earlier we see how
the Five element theory is used in the earlier message.

Here, if you notice, water has always been considered to bring `wealth' and
it is nothing new for the wealth sector to be associated with water. For
example: a waterfall, a fountain. Water is thus regarded as lucky
especially it is in `front' of us and fountains etc.. are said to bring good

2. the sector with Mountain Star #8 is the secondary wealth sector
Yes, this is again true. You will notice that we are always concerned about
our `frontage'. But behind every good front is a good backing. A solid
backing or support from behind is `hidden' or silent. For example: behind
every successful business person is a supportive house-spouse.
Is that "absolutely" true? Or are there any other factors need to be

Other factors are already discussed above and in the earlier message.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Rose,
Please read below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 10:38 PM
Subject: Wealth Sector in Flying Star

From: "Rose Say"
This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil & Robert,
I have read in a Feng Shui master's website that
1. the sector with Water Star #7 is the primary wealth sector
2. the sector with Mountain Star #8 is the secondary wealth sector
Is that "absolutely" true? Or are there any other factors need to be

Yes, these are generally true. However, if you are talking about wealth, I
find that what you should do is to enhance your personal wealth.

In your electronic book: 101 Authentic Feng Shui Tips and Fixes, Question
37-2, it is mentioned that one's wealth sector corresponds to the sector
that one's main element destroys.
Eg. for a Water person, the Fire sector (South) is thus considered the
wealth sector;
Remember the above from a previous message posted?

What I find that you should do is:-
weak person:-
1. Atrengthen yourself so that you are strong enough to control your wealth
2. Then try work with elements which you destroy as these are your wealth
strong person:-
1. Control yourself a little so that you do not go overboard.
2. Work with elements which you destoy as these are your wealth element.
If you can do this, it will improve your wealth. This is because, only when
you are strong enough (but not overly strong), can you take advantage of
your wealth deities. This way, then you can take advantage of your personal
Flying Star Wealth etc, creates a better harmony with your home to you.
However, because for home, the wealth star is always changing about, which
is why Cecil mentioned that it is very difficult to really locate the wealth
If you can accomplish the first portion with your own personal self, the
enhancements you make to your home will follow suit.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Thanks and best regards,
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