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I am reading a book on feng shui by Lillian Too. Mentioned in the book, it discusses on the 8 location theory and east?west house theory. However, it takes the back door as a guide over the front door. Why is this so ?
Personally, I believe the front door should be the more accurate one because this is the entrance that we go in and out of the house the most times. Please advise.
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Dear Benjamin,
1. To side track (a-bit); I suddenly realised that the forum message under Free Advice (General Topics) is now close to the 5,000 messages mark.
2. I `suddenly' thought of this because, I could still vaguely remember one reply or several replies within the 2,000 message mark on this issue. I cannot blame anyone for not reading the previous message on this.
So here goes....
3. Lilian Too is not wrong in this aspect. This is because, in the `Traditional Eight House Theory'; the backdoor is considered of prime importance because this will determine the type of house e.g. a North house; South house etc....
4. Here again, I like to emphaise that when one reads a `concept' from an author or site; one should read or apply the concepts; i.e. step-by-step from THAT particular site. And not `mix' and match concepts or steps from one book to another book or to another site.
5. Why is this so?
For example, in this site; I have considered users using the common denominator e.g. a handy " ordinary compass ".
6. So when I first devised the Eight House Theory and how to take the compass reading using a Step-by-step guide i.e. it is based on:-
6.1 Template where North is North and South is South.
Some Eight House map would use the traditional model of South on the top.
6.2 With the use of the ordinary compass, standing at the centrepoint of the house to determine the direction of the main entrance door = the direction of the door. E.g. a South House. This site uses this concept.
7. However, if one uses a Chinese Luopan; one tries to find the `sitting' (can be the back door) and facing direction i.e. the front or the main entrance.
This is why the `backdoor' is considered important or why Lilian Too mentioned it.
8. The Flying Star Theory
The Flying Star Theory has made some improvements in the way the `back-door' or `front door' is used. Thus, Flying Star in the traditional model contains the two key words:
Sitting direction and Facing direction. Where sitting is (the back) and facing (the front) especially if the Chinese Luopan is used to find the direction.
9. Here again, this site, makes it easier and the true north is = true north. And the direction of the main door can be found if one stands at the centrepoint of the house facing the main entrance door.
10. Therefore, I must again emphaise that one cannot litterally take the work `backdoor' or `front entrance' as being universally equal in meaning by all authors; or sites.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/3/2001 9:44:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I am reading a book on feng
shui by Lillian Too. Mentioned
in the book, it discusses on
the 8 location theory and
east?west house theory.
However, it takes the back
door as a guide over the front
door. Why is this so ?
Personally, I believe the
front door should be the more
accurate one because this is
the entrance that we go in and
out of the house the most
times. Please advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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