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I find it very difficult to sleep. There could be 2 reasons
1- Storage under bed. I cant do anyuthing about this b/c the drawers under bed are soem of the little storage I have in this flat. How do I counter this problem?
2- open bookcases/ shelves- again- I cant attach doors or covers to these- how do I avoid poison arrows?
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Dear Nini,
Please see below:-

On 9/11/2001 5:46:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I find it very difficult to
sleep. There could be 2
1- Storage under bed. I cant
do anyuthing about this b/c
the drawers under bed are soem
of the little storage I have
in this flat. How do I counter
this problem?

This can be very subjective. And it depends on individuals. Some of us may be highly sensitive to certain issues e.g. storage below the bed. While others may not.
Some of us have heard a tale, where a princess could not sleep even if there is a small piece of needle below her pillow case.
Alternatively, it may be biological or some other issues/daily concerns/problems that make one unable to sleep.
Frankly, there is not much one can do; other to do a test.. i.e. try removing the storage for a week and see if one still sleeps comfortably. (If this can be done).
Your second question was addressed in another recent forum message.
Warmest Regards,

2- open bookcases/ shelves-
again- I cant attach doors or
covers to these- how do I
avoid poison arrows?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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