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Dear Anamika,
For application of colours, it is advisable:
1. If one is not sure what colours to use, then neutral colours can be used. For example white or pastel shades (light shades) should be used for both interior and exterior walls.
2. It does not matter if the exterior wall is facing east and therefore, we assume that the inner wall is facing west.
We should instead consider that sector as being in the `east'. Here, we should look at both this external wall and interior wall as located in the east than to say that one side face east while the other faces west.
3. If one uses, Feng Shui, the colour of the room walls should preferably be painted to suit the element of the person staying in the room.
4. However, if one does not have the above information, the best advise is to paint the walls white or off-white. In such situations, avoid painting the room in bright colours especially `red' or `blue' if one is not sure of one's element and strength.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/12/2001 2:20:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil,
In a house if the exterior
wall is facing say,east then
the interior face of the same
wall will face west.So while
applying any of the cure like
colours on the interior face
what direction should be
assigned to it.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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