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Dear Max,
1. It is most important to understand that your Ba Zi element takes precedence here. For example, you mentioned that you are a person with a weak fire element.
2. Since you are a weak fire person, it is best that you avoid the water element especially in your home. As water will further extinguish your weak fire element for yourself.
3. Thus my advise is that in whatever location in your home, it is best or strongly advised that you forgo e.g. a fish tank in your home.
4. As wood helps fire element to grow, you can have more of the wood element (instead of water). This can be in the form or colour.
5. In colour, you should try to avoid especially blue (water). Green and brown are good colours for yourself.
6. However do take note that whate one eventually tries to achieve is: given this senario:
A weak fire person should try to make his weak fire stronger.
A strong fire person alternatively can have water as water helps to neutralise the strong fire.
7. The element concept is all about balance and one should not have too much i.e. too strong or too weak. Ultimately, everything should eventually be balanced.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/23/2001 11:36:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Where can I put the fish tank
in my house?
I am Kua 9, Weak fire.
Currently the fish tank is on
the north sector. My kitchen
is in the N too. The tank is
located just behind the
kitchen ( or somewhere near
the cenre of the house.
Is it OK ?
Pse advice.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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