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1. according to the birthchart provided by you , a north facing entrance is suitable for me. however the main door of my flat faces the west.kindly tell me the suitable directions for my bed, dining and living areas.
2. both our bedroom doors face each other which is also not good according to your theory. kindly give me concrete solutions without any expenditure.
I SHIFTED TO THIS HOUSE JUST 1 1/2 YEARS BACK AND FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS I AM KEEPING UNWELL and unable to resume my office.eagerly looking forward for your reply.
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Just a thought for you, if it were my home, i would
place a soft barrier between the bed and energy
flowing. I have done this in my home, softened the
hard corners of the coffee table, I used dark blue ribbon.
one thing to remember in life is to know where you found chuckholes in the road. Miss them the second time around.
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Dear Balu,
Please see below:-

On 11/23/2001 2:18:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
1. according to the birthchart
provided by you , a north
facing entrance is suitable
for me. however the main door
of my flat faces the
west.kindly tell me the
suitable directions for my
bed, dining and living areas.

For the Eight House Reports, these are completely free reports.
Some of the reports are:
1. Bed positioning
2. Best directions
and the Eight House chart.
at http://www.geomancy-online.com
For step-by-step guide in using the report you can look thru at this url:
With the above information, you should be able use the report.
However, if your house is a North house (since u mentioned that it is a suitable house to you) then North should be considered as `Excellent'.
If can confirm that North = Excellent then your most suitable house is a North house.
Under a North House:
East - Health
SE - Prosperity
S - Longevity
Therefore, the best location for your bed is at the East or SE or South.
But bear in mind that preference should be given to Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
The main considerations are:
1. Where possible, the bed should not on the same wall as the toilet.
2. Your bed should not be facing the bedroom door.
These are the two major considerations.

2. both our bedroom doors face
each other which is also not
good according to your
theory. kindly give me
concrete solutions without any

In such a situation, try to close one of the doors.

UNWELL and unable to resume my
office.eagerly looking forward
for your reply.

For the moment, if you are feeling unwell especially in your bedroom, this may suggest that there is a bad #2 (sickness) or #5 (misfortune) at the bedroom sector or a combination of both.
You can try to place 6 coins to represent `Big metal' Ideally, it should be the i-ching coins with a square hole in it but, for cost effectiveness, you could first try to use six coins as shown under this sample:-
where you take a red rectangular paper and place six coins (you can use copper or coin of your local currency) so long as they are at least more than 2 cm in diametre.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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