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My bedroom is my Prosperity section, my Gua number is 2. Layout of room I believe dictates that the bed faces the door entry way which puts the head of the bed against the fireplace wall. What should I do?
Would painting it a certain color help?
I also have a beamed ceiling, on which I have hung flutes over my bed. I have painted them white, like the ceiling, as well. Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Linda,
First, on your question of the beam. Frankly, it is best not to paint the flute to white.
Under the 5 elements concept, if your beam (in particular) is of cement exterior, the beam is considered of the earth element. Thus, in order to destroy earth, wood should be introduced.
Therefore, if the beam is a concrete beam; then, you should introduce wood. However, if you have painted the wood to white, this now becomes the metal element (as white represents the metal element). In this case, two wooden flutes in its original element i.e. brown or green are the correct element to use.
However, if the beam is made of wood (or wooden beam) then, the element you should use to destroy or neutralise it is metal element. Such as the use of coins.
Yes, it is not advisable to place the bed on the opposite wall as the fire place. However, as you mentioned, Shapes and Form FS prevail and one may have to do so. In such a situation, one can solve the problem by leaving a gap between the bed head(rest) and the wall. The gap should be around 3 or more centremetres away from the wall.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/10/2001 8:52:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
My bedroom is my Prosperity
section, my Gua number is 2.
Layout of room I believe
dictates that the bed faces
the door entry way which puts
the head of the bed against
the fireplace wall. What
should I do?
Would painting it a certain
color help?
I also have a beamed ceiling,
on which I have hung flutes
over my bed. I have painted
them white, like the ceiling,
as well. Any other
Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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