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When using both flying star and East/West systems, which takes precedence? I am a little confused because some areas in my new apartment are supposedly unlucky areas if you use the East/West, but the flying stars say its auspicious? For eg, the main door is in my disaster direction and my partner's death direction, but its a good section of the house. Its also got the 7 7 combination, which is supposed to be good. So how good or bad is the area?
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Dear Anon,
1. There may be some differences in the way various Feng Shui practitioners carry out their audit.
I will not touch on these differences. But rather, mentioned, how, I would go about doing a Feng Shui audit:-
2. For me, I would use chiefly the following 'Schools' of Feng Shui and Ba Zi:-
2.1 Use of Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny) for Feng Shui:-
I will first determine the family member's Ba Zi element and strength.
For example, Husband (Mr X) is considered a " Strong Wood " person.
While the Wife (Mrs X) is considered a " Weak Fire " person.
2.2 Next, under the Ba Zi (Luck Pillars), I would look at - at least 2 10 year periods (both current and next year) to check if there are any imbalances that need to be corrected during this period for either party.
For example, for Mr X, I would look at Luck Pillar of the current 10 years e.g. 2001 to 2010.
Here, I will look at what season this period is in. For example, Since Mr X is a weak Fire person, and during 2001 to 2010, this period falls under the Spring season which happens to be the water element, since Mr X is a strong Wood person, this is auspicious as it helps to control his destructive elmenent.
I will also look at Luck Pillar for him for year 2011 to 2020.
2.3 This process is also looked at for Mrs X. For Mrs X, her luck pillars is not so good for her. For her, as the 10 year period falls under Spring season; this is inauspicious for her as Water will further diminish her weak fire element.
3. Thus the above personal Ba Zi of the two individuals give us a strong CLUE when we next look at the Feng Shui of the house.
4. From the above Ba Zi, we MUST take note of the following:-
4.1 Since Mrs X is a weak Fire person, it is BEST to avoid having a water position e.g. a fish tank in the house. As this will further extinguish her.
DO AVOID HAVING a fish tank in the house.
4.2 Furthermore, since the NEXT 10 years the season e.g. Spring does not favour Mrs X as it is the season of WATER which is not favourable to Mrs X.
5. On a personal level, Mrs X should try to avoid the Water element in the 10 years.
6. Ba Zi is crucial first step in proper (authentic Feng Shui).
7. Based on the above information, we can build a profile of Mr X and Mrs X.
7.1. For example (Mr X):-
His information are:
Birth element: Strong Wood
Favourable element: Fire (red/pink/purple), Metal (white/gold), Earth (yellow).
Unfavourable element: Water (blue/black/grey), Wood (green/brown)
Wealth element: Earth (yellow)
(We will skip Mrs X profile in this example)
7.2 Binding
What is binding element?
A binding element is an element which is beneifical to `bind' both Mr X and Mrs X. Or create harmony for them.
This element can be used e.g. in their bedroom and in larger parts of the house since they may be both the breadwinners.
8. The binding element for Mr X (Strong Wood) and Mrs X (Weak Fire) is = Fire element.
Thus, we can `Keep-in-view' interior decoration especially IN their bedroom and in areas both spent time together. Such as the living room.
9. Besides the above, I would normally have looked at the Shapes and Form of both the exterior of the house and interior of the house (already).
10. The use of Eight House Theory
Here, we generally use to look at how suitable is the house to the breadwinner.
And it is an added bonus if the bedroom is an auspicious sector.
Where possible, when looking at the location and posititioning of the bed, we may use the Eight House Theory.
Here, if we cannot change the location of the bed or placement of the bed, we could play around with who sleeps (next) to each other. For example, if the bedroom location is Mr X's spook while it is Mrs X's health sector, then, Mrs X sleeps closer closer to this intangible force and Mr X sleeps further away.
It would be nice if sectors one spent time at are auspicious to whoever spents time at that sector.
11. Thus, this is MOST likely the end of story for the USAGE of the Eight House Theory.
It does not matter if the toilet is a good sector or the living room is auspicious.
Let us close our `picture' of the Eight House Theory after this.
12. The use of the Flying Star Theory.
12.1 Like Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny) it is based on the Five Elements concept and can easily be related to one's Ba zi.
12.1 In the Flying Star Theory, if a sector is imbalanced e.g. such as there is a cluster of e.g. Bad earth element #5 (misfortune) or #2 (sickness) we must try and cure this sector.
12.2 Thus, if the house's birth chart i.e. the house was `born' in 1990, this house is considered a Period 7 house.
12.3 Thus if East is considered INAUSPICIOUS under Flying Star Feng Shui, this sector has to be corrected.
(Even, if one thinks that under the East/West house person, this is a perfectly auspicious sector).
12.4 Therefore, the distinction is that under the Flying Star, if a sector is imbalanced - Cure it! After the cure, you can if it is good to spent time for Mr X, then if he so choose, spent time at that location.
13. I hope I have answered your question. If not, please let me know further.
14. For information of all, if you have the opportunity to use the " Group Analysis " report, you will understand more of what I am trying to say above. Because, this report was specifically tailor-made for me based on what I wanted in a short and concise - " exception " report.
Those who use the above report, will indeed, have both a vertical and horizontal cross slice of a very broad and detailed picture of the `power' of Ba Zi Feng Shui.
As this one report has the following major components:-
1. Eight House analysis for each person
2. Flying Star analysis of the house
3. Ba Zi element and strength of each family member (and much more).
4. The binding element e.g. of husband and wife. I love this one as it gives the essence of how to `bind' both parties..
Erh... I am not here to sell the report. But rather, try to give you the flavour of how, I personally do a full Ba Zi Feng Shui audit so that you can fully understand the flow and how each theory relates to each other.
Apologise for the lengthly response.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/27/2001 1:29:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
When using both flying star
and East/West systems, which
takes precedence? I am a
little confused because some
areas in my new apartment are
supposedly unlucky areas if
you use the East/West, but the
flying stars say its
auspicious? For eg, the main
door is in my disaster
direction and my partner's
death direction, but its a
good section of the house. Its
also got the 7 7 combination,
which is supposed to be good.
So how good or bad is the

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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