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Dear Alan,
1. The first approach is to use the Eight House Theory.
This theory is quite interesting because:
1.1. It is used to find out " How suitable a house is to the breadwinner ".
1.2. Next, we look at the layout plan of the house and where the location of the bedrooms are for each person i.e. Husband, wife and children.
For example, we try to find out what are the "intangible forces" at each bedroom.
Thus, it would be advantages if the sectors in each room e.g. Master bedroom (Husband and wife) and other bed rooms suit each indivdual members of the house.
2. The various reports which you can generate under: http://www.geomancy-online.com are totally Free.
This includes the:-
Free Eight House Report
Free Sleeping Position Report
and there are many other Free reports relating to the above.
3. There is another specialised report called the " Good House Report " under http://www.geomancy-online.com
Sometime back, my elder brother wanted to choose or purchase a new house. We were rather late in helping him to choose the `first' house that he liked.
What happened that, because of this `missed opportunity'; together with Robert Lee, we designed a tool to help him secure a new home.
The Good House Report, provides a full 360 degree analysis (based on the 24 directions of the Flying Star) to quickly aid him to look at and purchase the house - almost immediately.
In Singapore, during this time, condominiums are always snapped up and we used the report with good effect to locate a good home suitable for him based not only on the Eight House but rather the more powerful Flying Star analysis. This report was originally tailor-made for our use and I use it to search also for my own new home and subsequently for many of my clients.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/5/2002 9:50:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I'm looking for a new house,
please advice what direction
of the house faces is good for
me and my wife. Both of us are
borned in the year of ram

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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