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Dear All,
1. What is the Castle Gate Theory?
In my opinion, I consider this a `potent' form of Feng Shui. It is considered a theory on the `offensive'.
2. Description
Basically, it is tilting a building (ideally) 45 degrees to the road or if this may not be possible; then, tilting the main door directions 45 degrees instead.
As the word `Castle' suggests; it has also has water. Therefore in order for it work, water (not still water) is used here. Water at the frontage must be moving e.g. a fountain to activate the `castle' effect.
3. For those who are familar with Shapes and Form Feng Shui is that this type of `formation' can be potent because:
3.1. in such a situation, most likely if ever, the main entrance can (never) have sha qi such as a lone lamp post slicing into it.
3.2. The edge of the building itself becomes the Sha Qi of any other poor buildings `facing' it. As it's sharp edge now becomes a poison arrow for other buildings.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 months later...
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Here is a picture of the Hyatt Hotel taken from another building (Lucky Plaza).
The Hyatt Hotel is a famous example in Singapore of the `Castle Gate' Theory. Here, the main lobby (entrance doors) are tilted 45 degrees towards the road.
You can also find the resources on Hyatt Hotel under our Photo Resources site:-
Do click on the miniatures for a full view to understand the tilting of the doors.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Overall, the Castle Gate Theory has two main components:-
1. The information given earlier i.e. it is the tilting of the main entrance door 45 degrees to the main road.
And this second part, the emphasis is that the Castle Gate Theory takes into account time dimension in Feng Shui.
2. One method is the combination of the use of Flying Star analysis with the Castle Gate Theory.
Here, the combination of the Castle Gate with Time Dimension. Only in this situation then can the Castle Gate be effective.
This is combined with finding an auspicious date to do the changes.
3. Let me introduce you to two buildings in Singapore that had effectively employed the Castle Gate Theory:-
Reference map:-
In the above map, try to locate two buildings:-
1. The Grand Hyatt Hotel
(located along Scotts Road - somewhere in the middle right of the road shown in the layout plan).
2. Shaw House
(located at the junction of Paterson Road/Scotts Road with Orchard Road - you should see this building at the lower half-middle of this map).
Another building in Singapore also uses the Castle Gate Theory is the Cathay Building. (During World War Two, when Singapore was taken over by the Japanese, this building was the Japanese Propaganda Head Quarters.
The reference map of this building is at this location:-
(bottom-centre building in the reference map).
All these three buildings were not recent ones. For The Grand Hyatt and Shaw House, they were built around the late 1970s, there abouts. While Cathay building was built pre-World War II.
It is not to say that the Castle Gate Theory is no longer popular in Singapore.
It is because, many of the huge or mega buildings built today are designed by architects or rather `architects driven' and lesser influence from Feng Shui Masters.
In the past, where an old tycoon, would entrust the building to the Feng Shui Masters first and architects have to `obey' their common.
Nowadays, many of the companies are corporate companies or public listed companies who cannot afford to give top priority to `Feng Shui First concept' and architects second precedence.
The trend nowadays, has `shifted' towards the affluent home or would be home owner who can afford to build houses. With greater Feng Shui awarness, many home owners nowadays do not necessarily take on ready made homes but if they can afford, they would likely take on `Feng Shui First concept'. In such a situation, when in doubt always check on the background of the practitioner.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Further to the earlier messages on Castle Gate Theory, the pictures here show some pictures of Shaw House.
1. Shaw House uses the Castle Gate theory of Feng Shui.
2. It's building was purposely, renovated to become a `metal' building.
3. In some of the attached pictures, you will find huge circular pillars clad in black marble with `metal ring' base.
4. Here, water helps the metal building.
5. The rationale for this is simple. Many of the surrounding buildings opposite to Shaw House are of the earth element.
For example, liat towers and Tangs Shopping Centre/Marriot Hotel.
Here, Shaw House being a metal building, uses water (it's mixed cladding of metal with water) draws wealth from EARTH element buildings near-by.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. This building (known as Liat Towers) is across the road from Shaw House.
2. Liat Towers is considered as an earth building.
For much of it's life, it has a poor history where many major tenants had pulled out or gone down badly. This includes the famous French - Galleries Lafayette. Today, Planet Holiday, situation here also is facing a financial crisis.
The Shaw House as mentioned in an earlier forum message is a Metal building (clad with metal and water element). And when this two elements are used up, it draws `wealth' from earth elements nearby. One building directly across the road is Liat Towers.
The scene has changed somewhat, due to a new building next to it. This is the Wheellock Place which has being build next to Liat Towers in 1997.
The Wheellock Place, is considered a Fire building. And as it is a fire building, it will help to destroy metal and contain it further. Overall, because of this new building, it has helped Liat Towers (earth building considerably).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Another interesting interplay of the use of Five Elements Concept are two shopping complex opposite each other (separated by a road).
2. These two shopping centres facing each other are:-
Wisma Atria vs Lucky Plaza
(Please refer to the attached pictures)
3. Lucky Plaza was built around the late 1970s and is considered a much older building than Wisma Atria.
4. Wisma Atria
Wisma Atria is predominantly an Earth building. It is clad fully in blue or water element. And it uses water feature extensively. Even it's logo is wavy.
The rationale for doing so is because, for an Earth building (Wisma Atria) water is the wealth element. Furthermore, an MRT station runs along this building. And MRT station is considered a a metal element.
Here, metal and water are combined with great effect.
5. Since Lucky Plaza is facing it, and since it is an old building, it has no choice but to use shelters shading its frontage with the fire element. The fire element (red) is used to neutralise the water element of Wisma Atria.
Another case of shopping centre war in Singapore.
Here, the Five elements concept is used extensively in the fight for `supremacy' especially for a newer building against it's surround buildings.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. This building uses Castle Gate Theory in tilting it's main entrance. To be effective, time dimension is taken into consideration.
2. Overall, it uses the Ming Tang or semi-circular feature both as a water feature as well as the steps.
3. The main doors are tilted to a favourable direction.
4. When it was first built, this building was in the form of an earth building. (flat and rectangular in shape).
5. Many hotels try to maximise room space and even new hotels today e.g. The Ritz Carlton Singapore uses an earth shape.
6. However, if one looks carefully at the roof or outline of the roof, it has been changed to reflect a water feature.
7. Because of its white colour, the building uses three elements auspicous flow where:-
earth -> metal -> water harmonious combination
8. The rationale is because this building was Feng Shuied by a highly respected reverend monk who died a while back.
Because of religous inclination not to do harm, it was felt that this type of Feng Shui is `white Feng Shui'. Where, rather than looking at the surrounding buildings to `dominate' them to create wealth, this reverend monk, decided to use a harmonious combination of the three elements earth, metal, water to create auspiciousness coupled with the Castle Gate theory.
And of course, the popular use of the `Ming Tang' or semi-circular fountain radiating outwards of the hotel. The steps also radiate in a semi-circular effect out of the hotel main doors.
The main glass doors are tilted at an angle towards the main road. And, it's handle bars are wavy (water element and in gold).
Please see attached pictures.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The Ming Tang or semi-circular water positions is again a protective form of Feng Shui.
And used more by traditional Feng Shiu practitioners.
Picture below showing, the semi-circular water position radiating outwards of the Hyatt Hotel.
Hyatt Hotel, strongly uses black (representing water element) in the interior decor. There is also a vibrant water fountain at the car park lobby area. Water is used extensively in this building.
And it also employs the Yin and Yang concept of water (YIN) pouring out of rocks (YANG).
This is typical of the type of concept used by Chinese monks when asked to Feng Shui a site.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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