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Dear Anon,
1. Before we discuss on the subject " what and how to activate "; it is good to understand or start trying to have a `solid foundation ' of Feng Shui.
2. The question often asked is " with so much information available out there, how am I to know whether it is the truth or some commercialised stuff ".
3. In my opinion, if it is a site or any site that purports to say that they use authentic Feng Shui:
3.1. If one has a doubt as to what was said, ask for a clarification. From the clarification, we can have a feel or guage the response. And perhaps form our own opinion.
3.2. Under Para 3.1, this can be `tested' most of the time. An authentic Feng Shui Master, has the Five Elements concepts at the `back of their hands'.
4. And if you ask them a question, they will always (try) to relate it to the Five Elements Concept. If certain concepts cannot be related to the Five elements concept then, they would relate it to a higher level " The Yin and Yang concept ".
5. This is because not all theories or concepts is easily related to the Five Elements Concept. But much easier related to the Yin and Yang concept.
6. For those who are new and eager to learn more (thirsty) for Feng Shui, should keep this in mind:
6.1. What is the purpose of this concept or theory?
6.2. What are it's strengths and weakness.
7. The rationale for having this open thoughts is then, that one becomes better at understanding authentic Feng Shui. And if you know better, and if you talk to a less knowledgeable " Feng Shui Master ", you then know that he/she may not be that `good' afterall.
8. Here, the caution is: " Not all Feng Shui practitioners are `created' equal ". There are many people out there who call themselves MASTER or The KING or other names. But, in the essence this is misleading. This title, I feel should instead be given by people. Not the other way around.
9. Lets get back to your question: What and How to activate.
Again, we should find out:
a. What is the PURPOSE of the Eight House theory?
b. What are its strengths and weakness?
10. The Eight House Theory, belongs to one of the two Compass Schools of Feng Shui:
The Eight House and Flying Star Theory.
For example, Yap Cheng Hai uses this two theories in their FS audit (together with Shapes and Form). In my opinion, many of their practitioners do not use Ba Zi Feng Shui.
11. In general The Eight House Theory or East/West Four theories is more to find out how suitable a house is to a person. And to take advantage of sitting positions favourable to you or spent more time at these sectors.
12. Thus, if you do not spent time there, it is difficult to `activate' the sector. The rationale is because this Theory is `static'. It does not take into consideration time dimension (unlike Flying Star.
In addition, one of it's weakness is that it cannot be related to the lowest common denominator i.e. The Five Element concepts.
13. In order to activate: How to and what to: in authentic Feng Shui WE MUST, know what element and strength is at a sector and then we can then use an appropriate `cure' to activiate.
14. Therefore, without knowing the appropriate element and strength, I have instead to ask you a question " HOW TO? ".
Warmest Regards,

On 1/11/2002 6:54:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
How is a sector activated? My
prosperity sector is Northwest
and my husband's prosperity
sector is Northeast. Our
masterbedroom has both the
sectors. But the closet is in
Northwest. How do I activate?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
Thanks a lot for your reply. My FS element is weak metal( 31st Oct 1956) and my husband's FS elementis weak water( 11th April 1953). Out main door is in 165 degrees. We both belong to west houses. I have read some books and referred to your site. The reading has aroused my interest in FS. Hence I planned to make some changes. But I am afraid to make changes without proper guidance. I cannot afford to go for paid reports as of now. With the help of your site, which is the best site for FS, I have details for my family members.
My main interest is to improve our money inflow and career prospects. Now since NW and NE are our properity sector I want activate this sector. Since it is our bedroom we use it only for sleeping. Occasionally I do some reading in the bedroom and watch TV sometimes . All that we have in the bedroom are 2 beds and a small TV . Can you please suggest what I should add to improve our career prospects and wealth?
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