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rear of the Fire Department is right opposite

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I am going to buy a house in Long Island, New York. The house is facing the rear of the fire department. The house is facing South East, more south. The front and back yard has couple tall trees. There is a small pond located in the left upper corner of the front yard(when you look out from the main entrance). A kidney shape small size swimming pool is located in the back yard. Questions: -Is the fire dept. ok to be opposite to the house? -Do we need to chop off those trees? Does the pond and swimming pool good for Feng Shui in this case? Please reply and thank you very much.
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  • Staff

Dear Chan,
Is it possible to attach a simple sketch preferably:
1. The layout plan (it can be a rough one)
2. A sketch of the `bigger' picture i.e. the plot of land in relation to the location of the fire station; roads, neigbhouring houses etc..
In my opinion, it is best to understand the above, properly before I can comment further.
(For Para 2, if not a sketch, perhaps can elaborate more about):
How high is the property you intend to purchase, where is the ^ `pointed' roof shape `pointed to'.
How high is the fire station.
What is the distance between it and your house (is there any road between) and whether are there plants / trees in the house compound? If there is a road is this a major road?
And what other buildings/houses are to the left / right/ front and back of the house.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/12/2002 3:06:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I am going to buy a house in
Long Island, New York. The
house is facing the rear of
the fire department. The house
is facing South East, more
south. The front and back yard
has couple tall trees. There
is a small pond located in the
left upper corner of the front
yard(when you look out from
the main entrance). A kidney
shape small size swimming pool
is located in the back yard.
Questions: -Is the fire dept.
ok to be opposite to the
house? -Do we need to chop off
those trees? Does the pond
and swimming pool good for
Feng Shui in this case?
Please reply and thank you
very much.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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