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Dear Cecil,
I have a few questions on feng shui:
1) My apartment main entrance faces south west (big earth) while my back
door (back of kitchen) faces the north. In most apartment, the layout is
weird as my kitchen is next to my entrance, separated by the wall that
formed part of of my main entrance. I know the apartment is not really good
for me as I am a weak fire person (big earth exhausts fire) and it is a west
type of house while I am an east person (kua = 9). I have painted a wall
facing the main entrance brown and put a red carpet in front of the main
entrance to strengthen the earth element as my apartment is still considered
auspicious till 2003 when the number 7 rules. I have double 7s for the
mountain star and water star. Did I do the correct thing? My unit conforms
to the tortoise hill landscape as all around my unit, I have greenery and
the whole apartment rests on an elevated road with its main entrance facing
a road. The left side of the whole apartment blocks (green dragon) is more
prominent than the right. (outside looking in)
2) How do you counter the ill fs effects of a toilet that corresponds to a
good sector? Other than closing the door and putting a 6 rod windchime in
the toilet or tying a boulder with red string to symbolically press down on
the bad shar qi?
3) Since my apartment main entrance faces the southwest (3rd sector) and my
back door faces north, how does this affect the computation of the mountain
star and water star? In computing my apartment's unit natal chart, I arrive
at the numeral for mountain star assuming it is the direct opposite
direction to my main numeral.
4) In computing the flying feng shui numeral for a period, say for example
period 7, does the direction move forward or backward? I understand they
always move forward, i.e in positive direction + and when you compute the
natal chart for a house, whether the numerals move + or - depends on which
sector of the compass (15 in total) the main entrance faces.
Sorry to put forth so many questions at one go...hehe, I am thirsting for
some enlightenment and I am really interested in feng shui.
Thanks Cecil.
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Dear Kieren,
Please see below:-

On 1/13/2002 8:12:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I have a few questions on feng
1) My apartment main entrance
faces south west (big earth)
while my back
door (back of kitchen) faces
the north. In most apartment,
the layout is
weird as my kitchen is next to
my entrance, separated by the
wall that
formed part of of my main
entrance. I know the
apartment is not really good
for me as I am a weak fire
person (big earth exhausts
fire) and it is a west
type of house while I am an
east person (kua = 9). I have
painted a wall
facing the main entrance brown
and put a red carpet in front
of the main
entrance to strengthen the
earth element as my apartment
is still considered
auspicious till 2003 when the
number 7 rules. I have double
7s for the
mountain star and water star.
Did I do the correct thing? My
unit conforms
to the tortoise hill landscape
as all around my unit, I have
greenery and
the whole apartment rests on
an elevated road with its main
entrance facing
a road. The left side of the
whole apartment blocks (green
dragon) is more
prominent than the right.
(outside looking in)
Since, you are a weak-fire person, try to enhance your weak-fire element with Wood. If you have the opportunity to check the Luck Pillars (for the current 10 year luck period); see if the present season aids you / neutral or weakens you. For example, if the season happens to be water, then, more of wood is required to help your weak-fire element grow.

If your main door is Big Earth, then water is wealth not fire element. However, since you are a weak fire person, it can be quite disasterous for you to apply water here.
Unlike a strong fire person, water at this position is favourable. But in your case i.e. weak fire (before, you even try to do the above) you will be affected by the repercussions of "water" element at this position e.g. painting the door blue.
In your situtation, you can still use a red carpet for two reasons:
1. Red is always considered an auspicious colour
2. The second reason may not be that effective as adding fire to `fire' although is acceptable; it is not as effective as adding wood to help e.g. weak-fire person.
It is good to learn that you have woods (plants) around. If you have plants and enjoy them, you can take advantage if it at the main entrance i.e. placing two plants one on each side of the main entrance.
Here, plants can serve as a `binding' element and helps both ways:
1. Help destroy `Big earth'.
2. Help your weak-fire grow stronger.

2) How do you counter the ill
fs effects of a toilet that
corresponds to a
good sector? Other than
closing the door and putting a
6 rod windchime in
the toilet or tying a boulder
with red string to
symbolically press down on
the bad shar qi?

You can try all those you had mentioned above. The above is still secondary to the house unless it is located at the frontage or facing a main door or located at the centrepoint of the house. So long as it still shares a external house wall, it is still acceptable. Where possible close the door when not in use.

3) Since my apartment main
entrance faces the southwest
(3rd sector) and my
back door faces north, how
does this affect the
computation of the mountain
star and water star? In
computing my apartment's unit
natal chart, I arrive
at the numeral for mountain
star assuming it is the direct
direction to my main numeral.

If you have a sketch of the layout plan, I would be most happy to locate:
1. the centrepoint to take measurement.
2. advise you on the centrepoint to the main door direction to take a reading.
Therefore, it is difficult to comment unless I have actually seen a layout plan.

4) In computing the flying
feng shui numeral for a
period, say for example
period 7, does the direction
move forward or backward? I
understand they
always move forward, i.e in
positive direction + and when
you compute the
natal chart for a house,
whether the numerals move + or
- depends on which
sector of the compass (15 in
total) the main entrance

I have done away with this long ago. And the only time, I look at it is when I did the Flying Star course.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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