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Dear Anon,
1. In Traditional Feng Shui, especially, if one uses Compass School Feng Shui, the `wealth corner' is subjective.
2. The rationale here is that there is not only one wealth sector but to achieve: maximum wealth or Luck potential; one has to balance all sectors and accord equal emphasis of attention on all sectors.
3. There is really no harm in placing a tin container that you cherish at any location of the home where you feel comfortable with.
4. In addition, this concept applies here " If one cannot see it; it no longer is effective".
5. Thus, coins kept in a tin would remain as a `tin box'. Usually, in Feng Shui, an item has to be visible for it `to work'.
6. For example, when say, applying a cure at a sector i.e. such as hanging 6 coins or a wind chime; these items has to be visible.
7. It is no point putting 6 coins in a drawer at a sector. It does not work that way in Feng Shui. Or if one is suppose to hang a wind chime; instead of hanging it up; we keep it say in a display cabinet.
8. The above are some `quirks' in Feng Shui. Like it's cousin: If one no longer sees, it no long becomes a threat'.
9. This is equally true for items say to be used as a cure. It has to be `displayed' such as hung at a wall.
In my opinion, therefore, go ahead with placing it at any location within the house.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/19/2002 10:16:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have inherited coins from
two of my grandfathers that
passed on. One is a small felt
bag, the other is in a tin
container. I cherish them very
much. I was wondering if it's
ok to use them to be placed in
my wealth corner.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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