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Several Questions


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I have several questions that I seem to be getting myself more and more confused over.
My house faces SE - I am a Kan #1 (7/29/59 Female) This is unfavorable for my Relationships from what I understand. Since moving into this house 18 years ago I am on my 3rd failing marriage. Using the backdoor is out of the question because the house is a split level and access to the back is not possible because of the slope of the lot.
Next I keep reading that ponds should be in front of the house. Mine is in back. Is this bad. I love my pond but don't need anymore bad luck.
Finally, My bedroom is downstairs. Stairs go straight down then split to left and right to bedrooms. There are 3 doors in this room. Entering Room, Closet, and door to patio (by the pond). All of my best sleeping directions seem impossible because of a door. Sleeping SE put me facing the door to outside (this is where my bed currently is) The only place to put my bed is W which is my worst directions. What do I do to improve this.
By the way I am the breadwinner in this house.
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Dear Anon,
Please see below:-

On 1/20/2002 10:24:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have several questions that
I seem to be getting myself
more and more confused over.
My house faces SE - I am a Kan
#1 (7/29/59 Female) This is
unfavorable for my
Relationships from what I
understand. Since moving into
this house 18 years ago I am
on my 3rd failing marriage.
Using the backdoor is out of
the question because the house
is a split level and access to
the back is not possible
because of the slope of the

I hope I understand correctly. Do you mean to say that your house has a slope at the back of the house.
Frankly, I have seen many situations (not sure) if it is the same description of your house where: one walks into the front of the house. But the house was e.g. built 3 levels, where the two other levels are built lower down.
For example, the highest level is the frontage and because of the slope in the property, the rest of the house is built at lower levels (due to the slope). From the frontage the house looks more like a one storey (level) house. Not sure if this fits your description or not.

Next I keep reading that ponds
should be in front of the
house. Mine is in back. Is
this bad. I love my pond but
don't need anymore bad luck.

Under Shapes and Form Feng Shui, this is not an ideal situation especially it is directly behind the house.
I can understand why architects in the west do this. Mostly due to privacy reasons. But it would be the worst impact if it is behind the house (west side).
The rationale here is that while it is good to activate water positions at the frontage; the back should normally have a solid backing.

Finally, My bedroom is
downstairs. Stairs go
straight down then split to
left and right to bedrooms.
There are 3 doors in this
room. Entering Room, Closet,
and door to patio (by the
pond). All of my best
sleeping directions seem
impossible because of a door.
Sleeping SE put me facing the
door to outside (this is where
my bed currently is) The only
place to put my bed is W which
is my worst directions. What
do I do to improve this.

Under the Eight House Theory, there is really not much `cure' here. Here the theory can assist one to locate good sectors to spent time at. But if it is not a good sector, there is not much under this theory. As each theory or concept has its own strengths and limitations.
In my opinion, it is difficult to correct a sloping home. The best option in the long term (or long run) is to find a better home.
Just 3 weeks ago, I visited one of my client's father's bungalow house for an audit. Fortunately, his home is on the better side. While, there is a home that was left vacant just 100 metres away which is sloping. I had strongly advised him to forgo looking at purchasing that property (at all costs).
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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So you have a clearer understand of my house. The front side (street) is level with the main living area and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs in the finished basement is 2 bedrooms (one of them mine) and a bath. The front yard is level and the backyard is level with a good slope on each side. Just outside my bedroom door (downstairs) is my water garden. I have owned this house for 18 years now and and have tried to sell 3 times with no luck and I'm a Realtor Is there anyway to correct these problems ?
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Dear Carrie,
I hope I am not asking too much but you have a sketch or a street directory page of your home location.
Apologies, I am still confused by your earlier statement that your home slopes backwards.
From what I read (below), you seem to indicate that especially, the back yard is "level."
When you mention level, I want to find out is: is your entire plot of land `level' or the at same level or when you mean level; it implies that the front although is level; the back is below the front of the house.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/24/2002 10:16:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
So you have a clearer
understand of my house. The
front side (street) is level
with the main living area and
2 bedrooms upstairs.
Downstairs in the finished
basement is 2 bedrooms (one of
them mine) and a bath. The
front yard is level and the
backyard is level with a good
slope on each side. Just
outside my bedroom door
(downstairs) is my water
garden. I have owned this
house for 18 years now and and
have tried to sell 3 times
with no luck and I'm a Realtor
Is there anyway to correct
these problems ?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Carrie,
Thank you for the sketch. I know have a better understanding of your house profile.
1. I was `fearing' to see such a layout plan because, this type of layout plan is rather inauspicious under Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
2. In addition, having a west pond is not ideal for such a house. It is actually equally not ideal for any other house to have a pond or water position at the west.
This is based on `symbolism' in Feng Shui which is called: "the White tiger, has it's mouth wide open" (imagine the pond as the mouth of this white tiger).
This is the additional problem added to your layout plan.
3. In my opinion, it does not really matter which room are at where. But rather, the entire house `sloping' downwards is not a good auspicious configuration.
4. I understand that it is quite difficult for you to sell the house. However, (I hope you can take it) - Frankly, there is not much cure that one can do to neutralise the inauspiciousness of the backward sloping house.
5. This is my FRANK opinion. To minimize further damage, it is best not to have a pond at the west.
6. Should you need to seek further opinions, on this, my sincere advise is not to seek any practitioners who are not well versed in all these especially avoid Black Hat Sect like the "plague".
Becareful of anyone who may offer advise or promise you that he/she can give miracle cures for this type of layout i.e. if anyone say that they can give promise that it can be cured, then, tell them that you need to see results first before paying them upfront for the service. (I am only afraid that one might get cheated on this issue). As I personally feel that it is difficult to correct it unless one tears down the entire house, fill up the `slope' and make the entire house level from front to back.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/24/2002 11:31:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have attached a sketch
(sorry about the quality) is
my lot and house showing the
slope of the lot. Like I said
the front and back are level
with slope on both sides of my

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Would it help to move the pond to the front and then not use the downstairs at all ? I've had so much bad luck I will do anything. Do you know anyone who is experienced that could help me in Arkansas. I can't seem to find anyone who even knows anything about feng shui or should I just take your courses ad help myself.
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