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Hi Celia,
I bought a house in Toa Payoh having the Main door facing the west direction. Thinking that is a good house due my gua number is 8 (dob 24.12.66).But when I study the layout carefully, I realise that out of the 3bedrooms only one bedroom are at the good position(situated at Northeast), the rest are either at the spook(North) or diaster and death (between South and East).The rest of the family also happen to have Gua number 8 & earth element(my parent) and 7 & metal element(my niece).
If I occupied the North-east room and they take the other room, would it be very bad for them, how to I do to get the best out of this house?
Which is more important: the facing of main door or the position of the bedroom. If only can choose one.
Need your advice urgently.....
Thanks a lot.
Peck Wun.
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Dear Peck Wun,
1. Once a person had already purchased a house, there is nothing much under the Eight House that can be used as a cure.
2. The consolation for you is that in terms of the house facing, and based on your information, it is considered a good house. Although the bedroom's may not be suitable.
3. As you have not mentioned who is the breadwinner; it would be best for the breadwinner to occupy the master bedroom.
4. Here, who ever contributes most or paying for the house should therefore, occupy the master bedroom.

If I occupied the North-east
room and they take the other
room, would it be very bad for
Under the Eight House, there is really not much one can do for the bedroom if all have similar Gua numbers.
how to I do to get the
best out of this house?

Frankly, in order for a family to get the best out of your house; the ideal situation is to do a full audit of the house and for the individual family members. This is the best recommendation.
The rationale here is that there are many concepts/rulesets and some of them are as follows:-
1. Shapes and Form (external and internal environment). Here, the strengths and weakness; opportunities and threats ( S.W.O.T) has to be looked at for the home.
2. Compass School Feng Shui.
3. Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny).
The above are in my opinion, the best way to analyse a home and family members.

Which is more important: the
facing of main door or the
position of the bedroom. If
only can choose one.

In my opinion, it is good or ideal for the breadwinner to have a suitable facing main door (first priority).
Warmest Regards,

On 1/28/2002 7:09:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Celia,
I bought a house in Toa Payoh
having the Main door facing
the west direction. Thinking
that is a good house due my
gua number is 8 (dob
24.12.66).But when I study the
layout carefully, I realise
that out of the 3bedrooms only
one bedroom are at the good
position(situated at
Northeast), the rest are
either at the spook(North) or
diaster and death (between
South and East).The rest of
the family also happen to have
Gua number 8 & earth
element(my parent) and 7 &
metal element(my niece).
If I occupied the North-east
room and they take the other
room, would it be very bad for
them, how to I do to get the
best out of this house?
Which is more important: the
facing of main door or the
position of the bedroom. If
only can choose one.
Need your advice urgently.....
Thanks a lot.
Peck Wun.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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