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8 aspirations & west group persons

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Dear Sarita,
1. Currently, in my opinion, the most popular concept that is floating in the internet and around the world is the Eight Aspirations concept.
2. This concept, is second (in popularity) to the Eight House Theory.
3. The difference between the Eight House Theory and the Eight Aspirations is that at least, the Eight House Theory is personalised to an individual.
Contrast this to the Eight Aspirations or also commonly known as Life Associations/Aspirations.
4. I feel that the major flaw with the Eight Aspiration concept is that it is not personalised to anyone.
If we look carefully at all the major theories; they are infact `customised to':-
4.1. Either the person (Eight House Theory);
4.2. Customized to the house i.e. Birth chart of the house/office (Flying Star Theory).
5. Even the `humble' Shapes and Forms is also `customised' to a house. For example, no two houses are alike.
6. And some houses may have a poison arrowed aimed at it. While the neighbour's house may not. Thus, even under the Shapes and Forms, each situation facing a house is not exactly the same.
7. It is because of the fact that each Gua (Kua) has it's own characteristics and nothing else.
8. The Eight Aspirations concept therefore aspire many especially book authors to capitalise on how easy to write a book on it.
For example, for many of us, with some or little imagination, we can try to complete a book on Eight Aspirations easily. The chapters start as ...
Chapter 1: What is the Eight Aspriations concept.
Chapter 2: Your career at North. Therefore, enhance, enhance this sector with everything related to career...
Chapter 3: Your romance. Place a family photo etc... at your romance sector
9. The above seems too easy and even `Fixed Template' marketing ploys have come up like the *Black Hat Sect's" template. For those who have visited such sites, can see descriptions like, your " X " sector is at the SW of your main door. Sounds to easy.
10. Therefore, I personally feel that the Eight Aspirations concept is too general to be of any use or purpose. Other than to make book authors or marketing / sellers of products extremely happy - at our expense.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/31/2002 1:52:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
if all the members of the
house are west group people ,
can the east directions be
energised according to the 8

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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