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Hi Cecil,
On my 20 year Flying Star report, the SW section of my house has 4 Base, 4 Moutain, and 1 Water Star with a 4 Yearly Star and a 4 Monthly Star. Since 4 represents Weak Wood and is considered Inauspicious and I have 4X4=16, would I need to use Moving Metal ie Grandfather clock or 6 brass windchime or will 6 I-Ching coins be sufficient?
My East sector has combination 5 Base, 3 Mountain, 2 Water and 5 Yearly and 5 Monthly Star. I Know the tripple 5 calls for the Swinging Pendulum.
My NW sector has 5 Base, 9 Mountain, 8Water, 8 Yearly and 8 Monthly. The report says to use wood nut I am not sure if I need to use something stronger with my tripple 8 combination. I had already purchased 2 Miniature Jade plants as a cure here.
Side question: Lilian Tu's book indicated certain plants are not auspicious, such as plants with poison arrow ie cactus types or with thin pointed leaves. Also Bonsai trees where considered bad since it represents stunted growth. Auspicious plants are those with rounded leaves like the jade plant.
Would a miniature Jade be considered inauspicious or am I being overly concerned?
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Dear Ben,
Please see below:-

On 2/1/2002 3:36:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
On my 20 year Flying Star
report, the SW section of my
house has 4 Base, 4 Moutain,
and 1 Water Star with a 4
Yearly Star and a 4 Monthly
Star. Since 4 represents Weak
Wood and is considered
Inauspicious and I have
4X4=16, would I need to use
Moving Metal ie Grandfather
clock or 6 brass windchime or
will 6 I-Ching coins be

Yes, the 6 coins or `big metal' is sufficient to counter the 20-year, yearly and monthly #4 star.

My East sector has combination
5 Base, 3 Mountain, 2 Water
and 5 Yearly and 5 Monthly
Star. I Know the tripple 5
calls for the Swinging

If you have a swinging brass pendulum, it is good to use it here. This is a better alternative than say 6 rod metal windchime because, such a `heavy' windchime may not necesarily make any noise (if the windows are closed).

My NW sector has 5 Base, 9
Mountain, 8Water, 8 Yearly and
8 Monthly. The report says to
use wood nut I am not sure if
I need to use something
stronger with my tripple 8
combination. I had already
purchased 2 Miniature Jade
plants as a cure here.

It is ok to use minature Jade plants. But try not to use 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. As 2 represents #2 sickness star. 3 or 4 represents bad wood. Five as you are aware represents the misfortune.
You may have to place the other Jade plant elsewhere i.e. place only one plant at that sector.
Do remember that symbolism is important in Feng Shui and 2 x jade plants - symbolic of sickness (2 star)

Side question: Lilian Tu's
book indicated certain plants
are not auspicious, such as
plants with poison arrow ie
cactus types or with thin
pointed leaves. Also Bonsai
trees where considered bad
since it represents stunted
growth. Auspicious plants are
those with rounded leaves like
the jade plant.
Would a miniature Jade be
considered inauspicious or am
I being overly concerned?

Overall, a Jade plant is OK. Usually, plants that have thorns or cactus should not be used.
As for bonsai, most of the plants that were turned into bonsai plants from plants such as `jasmine' needs plenty of sun-light. They need not necessarily be `stunned' growth. For example, locally, you can see tall bonsai plants in the shape of animals e.g. giraffes, deers, chickens etc...
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you once again for answering one of my many questions.
I want to make sure that I apply my FS cures correctly as I feel that practicing good Feng Shui is like learning how to drive. If I don't learn and apply it correctly, I may end up hurting myself and even worst, others in the process.
One suggestion that I have for your site which I'm sure that you've already considered is maybe you might consider selling some of the FS cures such Ba Gua Mirrors, 6 Brass Windchimes, 6 I-Ching Coins, etc... on your website. I'm in the US and would have to spend the time and effort to find a shop that sells these things. The closest Chinatown is 50 miles north and even then, I wouldn't know which shop to go to. The point being is that I would be willing to pay the overseas shipping costs knowing that I'm getting the right product (Cecil Approved) for my own situation. Also, it would be a lot easier on my part to shop online. This is just a thought.
I couldn't write without asking a question:) Regarding the use of 2 Jade plants with #2 being sickness, I am interpreting not to use the numbers 2,3,4,5 for Flying Star cures only. I remember reading that Even numbers are Auspicious and Odd numbers are inauspicious. Like the use of 2 Keiloon lions. So when applying cures to Flying Star situations, I should throw out the even/odd number theory and avoid #2,3,4,5 all together.
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Dear Ben,
Thank you for your frank suggestion.
1. At this time, we have no intention yet to sell any Feng Shui products.
2. The reason being we want to focus more providing learning resources and quality consultation services both Free and paid.
3. Despite the fact that selling Feng Shui products can be lucrative. However, we do not want our website to lose it's focus.
4. Maybe, in the future, for the sake of supporting users with the proper items; we will probably look at more useful cures such as the six coins, ba gua or windchime.
5. Meanwhile, for those who really cannot find authentic items, but really need our help to do so, we can try to source the item and sent it out at a nominal cost of purchase and postage or courier depending on the urgency (more as a support service for our clients and users here).

I couldn't write without
asking a question:) Regarding
the use of 2 Jade plants with
#2 being sickness, I am
interpreting not to use the
numbers 2,3,4,5 for Flying
Star cures only. I remember
reading that Even numbers are
Auspicious and Odd numbers are
inauspicious. Like the use of
2 Keiloon lions. So when
applying cures to Flying Star
situations, I should throw out
the even/odd number theory and
avoid #2,3,4,5 all together
For Flying Star cures, metal element cures are pretty straight forward:-

A. 6 coins - where 6 represents big metal and the coins themselves are of the metal element.
B. 6 rod metal windchime - again 6 represents big metal and the constant cling of the rods, is like metal "hammering" element such as earth #5.
C. For using `wood' as a cure; it is less `clear' as to what one can use.
In my opinion, for a "wood cure", I found that one pot of plant is sufficent to cure a sector that requires a wood cure.
It is my opinion that it is a plant where if it is placed on a floor, it is about the height of between 1 1/2 feet to 2 or 3 feet high type of plant.
Since you are using a minature jade plant on second thoughts; two pots is still acceptable. To be frank, I may not always be right.
And, it is good to see that you have also looked at Feng Shui with a `questioning' mind.
I am very happy to see this. And, it is always good to ask questions. For example, after you had mentioned about or had questions concerning Yin and yang e.g. odd or even; for me it is good to relook at situations.
I am equally happy to find users in the forum also have constructive questions e.g. recently a recent message about: time-zone in Pillars of Destiny and another question related to binding elements.
Like "America is great for entrepreneural spirit"; it is good to understand Feng Shui by questioning and thru the process; all of us learn more!
For me, each day is also a new learning experience and we therefore continue to learn more from one another! (And equally important; we learn from our own mistakes and try to hopefully improve on them).
Warmest Regards,

On 2/4/2002 9:15:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thank you once again for
answering one of my many
I want to make sure that I
apply my FS cures correctly as
I feel that practicing good
Feng Shui is like learning how
to drive. If I don't learn
and apply it correctly, I may
end up hurting myself and even
worst, others in the process.
One suggestion that I have for
your site which I'm sure that
you've already considered is
maybe you might consider
selling some of the FS cures
such Ba Gua Mirrors, 6 Brass
Windchimes, 6 I-Ching Coins,
etc... on your website. I'm
in the US and would have to
spend the time and effort to
find a shop that sells these
things. The closest Chinatown
is 50 miles north and even
then, I wouldn't know which
shop to go to. The point
being is that I would be
willing to pay the overseas
shipping costs knowing that
I'm getting the right product
(Cecil Approved) for my own
situation. Also, it would be
a lot easier on my part to
shop online. This is just a
I couldn't write without
asking a question:) Regarding
the use of 2 Jade plants with
#2 being sickness, I am
interpreting not to use the
numbers 2,3,4,5 for Flying
Star cures only. I remember
reading that Even numbers are
Auspicious and Odd numbers are
inauspicious. Like the use of
2 Keiloon lions. So when
applying cures to Flying Star
situations, I should throw out
the even/odd number theory and
avoid #2,3,4,5 all together.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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