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Hello Cecil,
Thanky you for the reply in regard to the 5
energy in my kitchen.
I just recently read on your web site that
the bedroom that my son occupies is
considered the "spook" room for him.
This room also has a 5 water star. I am
concerned that this combination is
detrimental to his Qi. Is there anything
that I can do? His sleep is often
disturbed and he wakes up crying all of
the time.
The other possible room that he could
use is considered the "irritable" room for
him and has a 2 mountain and 3 water
star combination. Is this any better and/or
Thanks for your expertise.
Sincerely, Jennie
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Dear Jennie,
Please see below:-

On 2/1/2002 9:02:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil,
Thanky you for the reply in
regard to the 5
energy in my kitchen.
I just recently read on your
web site that
the bedroom that my son
occupies is
considered the "spook" room
for him.
This room also has a 5 water
star. I am
concerned that this
combination is
detrimental to his Qi. Is
there anything
that I can do? His sleep is
disturbed and he wakes up
crying all of
the time.

1. If one is keen on learning proper Feng Shui, it is best to use a recommended three-step approach:-
a. For any theory or concept: What is the aim or purpose of the concept?
b. What is it's strength
c. What is it's weakness
2. By understanding each concept's aim or purpose; strenght and weakness; we can thenn understand what it can be used for and what are it's limitations.
3. For example, when we are considering purchasing a car. It would be fine if we purchase a two door 2 or 4 seater car for an individual's use.
4. But if one has a large family; it would be wise to (if one can afford) purchase a mini-personal carrier that can seat 8 persons comfortably.
5. Therefore, taking a parallel, the Eight House Theory is good e.g. when we first try to buy a new house and see how well each family member can fit into the layout of the house.
6. Therefore, it is how we can FIT IN to the scheme of the layout. Not otherwise unless we demolish the entire house and rebuilt it try to fit the entire family.
7. Therefore, if we consider the Eight House Theory, if this is the spook sector, then not much can be done under this theory unless there is a change in the bedroom.
8. If there are water or yin stars at this sector, under Flying Star; one can introduce - more yang into the bedroom i.e. repainting the room based on a suitable colour under your son's Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny).

The other possible room that
he could
use is considered the
"irritable" room for
him and has a 2 mountain and 3
star combination. Is this any
better and/or

1. It is good to use the three-step approach here.
2. For the Flying Star theory, it is about analysing and recommending a cure for that sector of the birth chart of the house.
3. Thus if #2 and #3 are cured; for the house chart; then, anyone can stay in that bedroom.
4. Do take note that for children, if possible try to avoid rooms at North-East or South-West sectors. NE (devil's main gate) and SW (devil's back door).
5. I once audit a couple's home with two children who has the main entrance door at NE and the two children were sleeping in the South-West room.
6. After analysing the children and mother's Ba Zi; they were all of the `weak elements'. I also noticed that both NE and SW had high concentration of YIN sectors.
7. I queried the family whether they had seen any activity in their children's bedroom. The mother said thad she and the two children indeed often, seen a `small boy' climbing and spending time at this bedroom.
8. I had advised her to place a dragoon figurine facing out of the window directly aimed at the SW direction of the house. And for the main entrance, another dragon aimed at the main entrance door.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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