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Dear Anon,
1. In my opinion, it is crucial to analyse not only the house but also do a general survey of the site where the house is situated.
2. This is because, many times, we forget about the external environment. It is like doing up a wonderful house to come home to. But everything else outside of the house may be "crumbling". This may be an extreme interpretation, but the interior of the house is just one of the many aspects of good Feng Shui assessment.
3. Sometimes, simple things like standing at the front of the main door and looking out to check for poison arrows. And in turn, stand at each window and look out of the house to check for poison arrow(s). Poison arrow(s) can be in the form of a lone lamp post, a pointed neighbour's roof etc...
Here, it is like a `leak'. For example, if we are on a boat today; and if there is a leak, we should spent our time to fix this leak. And not try to beautify ourselves in the boat.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/1/2002 10:10:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I am a newcomer to fengshui.
Just want to know when we need
to find the prosperity of the
house, do we need to analyse
the whole house or just the
living room ?
Thank you for your advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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