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Dear Peck Wun,
Thank you for bring up a very interesting question.
1. White not just belong to metal element but in the greater picture of Feng Shui - white represents yang.
2. The most yang colour is considered red. But white or off-white, because of its good `reflective' qualities is good in a house.
3. As overall, a house should be more yang than yin. Unless one is a hermit, natural light is still the best. And white walls are therefore better for a home. Even when we turn on artifical light, white or off-white colours are better.
4. I mentioned earlier that you had brought up a very interesting question. The rationale is also because Earth element is UNIQUE as compared to any of the other 4 elements:-
4.1. The rationale for this is that `earth' is everywhere. And earth element is inabundant.
This is why earth element is at the `centre' of any house.
4.2 In the Five element seasons it is also interesting to note that there are four seasons and each season represents an element (each).
But what is unique about earth element is that it is predominantly all year round.
And in particular in a simple cycle of seasons:-
Spring comes...
Before spring `dies' earth becomes predominant before the next season
And goes away...
Summer comes...
Before summer `dies' earth becomes predominant before the next season
And goes away...
Autumn comes....
Before autumn `dies' earth becomes predominant before the next season
And goes away...
Winter comes...
Before winter `dies' earth becomes predominant before the next season
And goes away...
4.3 This information gives us a clue or show us that EARTH element is always predominant. And although it does not represent an element i.e. Winter = Water element.
Earth, continues to be strong all year round.
4.3 Therefore, for those born with the Earth element e.g. even if the person is a Weak Earth person -- metal element in general does no great harm e.g. painting say the house white.
5. In fact, it could be a `blessing' in disguise. The rationale for this is because all the worst elements in Flying Star Feng Shui e.g. #5 misfortune and #2 sickness is attributed by being earth elements therefore.
Therefore, in both Yin and Yang concept, white = bright and in Flying Star -- it does no harm to have more metal element applies.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/20/2002 9:37:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
If I paint white for the
living room, as suggested the
best colour for everybody,
would it be no good for people
of earth?
White equal to metal and metal
is no good for earth.
Peck Wun.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil,

Please advise what does it mean by off-white?


Peck Wun

From: "free-advice Listmanager"

Reply-To: "Free Advice (General Topics)"

To: (Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed)

Subject: paint white

From: "Cecil Lee"

Dear Peck Wun,

Thank you for bring up a very interesting question.

1. White not just belong to metal element but in the greater picture of Feng Shui - white represents yang.

2. The most yang colour is considered red. But white or off-white, because of its good `reflective' qualities is good in a house.

3. As overall, a house should be more yang than yin. Unless one is a hermit, natural light is still the best. And white walls are therefore better for a home. Even when we turn on artifical light, white or off-white colours are better.

4. I mentioned earlier that you had brought up a very interesting question. The rationale is also because Earth element is UNIQUE as compared to any of the other 4 elements:-

4.1. The rationale for this is that `earth' is everywhere. And earth element is inabundant.

This is why earth element is at the `centre' of any house.

4.2 In the Five element seasons it is also interesting to note that there are four seasons and each season represents an element (each).

But what is unique about earth element is that it is predominatly all year round.

And in particular in a simple cycle of seasons:-

Spring comes...

Before spring `dies' earth becomes predominat before the next season

And goes away...

Summer comes...

Before summer `dies' earth becomes predominat before the next season

And goes away...

Autumn comes....

Before autumn `dies' earth becomes predominat before the next season

And goes away...

Winter comes...

Before winter `dies' earth becomes predominat before the next season

And goes away...

4.3 This information gives us a clue or show us that EARTH element is always predominat. And although it does not represent an element i.e. Winter = Water element.

Earth, continues to be strong all year round.

4.3 Therefore, for those born with the Earth element e.g. even if the person is a Weak Earth person -- metal element in general does no great harm e.g. painting say the house white.

5. In fact, it could be a `blessing' in disguise. The rationale for this is because all the worst elements in Flying Star Feng Shui e.g. #5 misfortune and #2 sickness is attributed by being earth elements therefore.

Therefore, in both Yin and Yang concept, white = bright and in Flying Star -- it does no harm to have more metal element applies.

Warmest Regards,


On 2/20/2002 9:37:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:


If I paint white for the

living room, as suggested the

best colour for everybody,

would it be no good for people

of earth?

White equal to metal and metal

is no good for earth.


Peck Wun.

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Dear Peck Wun,
Off-white refers to a colour that is white but has a tinge of grey. Or it can also be considered as white with very light shades of other pigments e.g. red, blue, green or yellow.
When one look at off-white colour, it is exactly white but slightly duller white.
Many of the new paints are white in colour but when we look it at an angle, it looks more like the e.g. pink. Here, very minimal pink is added to these colours.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/23/2002 10:19:21 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Please advise what does it
mean by off-white?
Peck? Wun
From: "free-advice
Reply-To: "Free Advice
(General Topics)"
To: (Recipients of
'free-advice' suppressed)
Subject: paint white
From: "Cecil Lee"
Dear Peck Wun,
Thank you for bring up a
very interesting question.
1. White not just belong
to metal element but in the
greater picture of Feng Shui -
white represents yang.
2. The most yang colour is
considered red. But white or
off-white, because of its good
`reflective' qualities is good
in a house.
3. As overall, a house
should be more yang than yin.
Unless one is a hermit,
natural light is still the
best. And white walls are
therefore better for a home.
Even when we turn on artifical
light, white or off-white
colours are better.
4. I mentioned earlier
that you had brought up a very
interesting question. The
rationale is also because
Earth element is UNIQUE as
compared to any of the other 4
4.1. The rationale for
this is that `earth' is
everywhere. And earth element
is inabundant.
This is why earth element
is at the `centre' of any
4.2 In the Five element
seasons it is also interesting
to note that there are four
seasons and each season
represents an element (each).
But what is unique about
earth element is that it is
predominatly all year round.
And in particular in a
simple cycle of seasons:-
Spring comes...
Before spring `dies' earth
becomes predominat before the
next season
And goes away...
Summer comes...
Before summer `dies' earth
becomes predominat before the
next season
And goes away...
Autumn comes....
Before autumn `dies' earth
becomes predominat before the
next season
And goes away...
Winter comes...
Before winter `dies' earth
becomes predominat before the
next season
And goes away...
4.3 This information gives
us a clue or show us that
EARTH element is always
predominat. And although it
does not represent an element
i.e. Winter = Water element.
Earth, continues to be
strong all year round.
4.3 Therefore, for those
born with the Earth element
e.g. even if the person is a
Weak Earth person -- metal
element in general does no
great harm e.g. painting say
the house white.
5. In fact, it could be a
`blessing' in disguise. The
rationale for this is because
all the worst elements in
Flying Star Feng Shui e.g. #5
misfortune and #2 sickness is
attributed by being earth
elements therefore.
Therefore, in both Yin and
Yang concept, white = bright
and in Flying Star -- it does
no harm to have more metal
element applies.
Warmest Regards,
On 2/20/2002 9:37:00 AM, Peck Wun
Wong wrote:
>If I paint white for the
>living room, as suggested the
>best colour for everybody,
>would it be no good for people
>of earth?
>White equal to metal and metal
>is no good for earth.
>Peck Wun.

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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