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Cecil, I am looking for a piece of land to
build a new office. The site that I am
interested is NW facing. Across the street
is a huge warehouse store, where it's
back is facing us. It is a HUGE wall! Not
much windows (warehouse).
I know in chinese saying, when you open
your door and see a mountain/hill in front
of you .. it is considered bad luck. Please
tell me whether this is the same case
here? Thanks.
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  • Staff

Dear Max,
Overall, if your office is at ground level or within the height or blocked by the level of the warehouse store wall, this is considered inauspicious to have an office there.
However, you mentioned that there is a street between this piece of land and the wall. If u have a picture of the frontage of the land facing the wall, I can have a look to provide you with further comments.
Other considerations:-
1. Under the Five elements concept:-
1.1 Earth element warehouse?
If the warehouse is a flat structure i.e. flat roofs - then this is considered an "earth structure". Or if the overall building is a `flat' like structure with roofs.
To counteract or `create' wealth, if that piece of land is built, it should be a building of the Wood element. Where wood can destroy earth to create wealth.
Unfortunately, wood element is normally a tall and `thin' structure much like the trunk of a tree.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/1/2002 11:12:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Cecil, I am looking for a
piece of land to
build a new office. The site
that I am
interested is NW facing.
Across the street
is a huge warehouse store,
where it's
back is facing us. It is a
HUGE wall! Not
much windows (warehouse).
I know in chinese saying,
when you open
your door and see a
mountain/hill in front
of you .. it is considered bad
luck. Please
tell me whether this is the
same case
here? Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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