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Dear Diana,
1. If one is frequently ill or stressed, Flying Star Feng Shui can help to diagnose the `birth chart' of the house. And if there are imbalances in one or many sectors, this can be neutralised.
2. However, we are looking more on the `technical' side. And equally important is the Shapes and Form of the house.
3. Here, Shapes and Form is important because, it can be used to look at a house from a macro level and later on a micro level.
4. One should first apply Shapes and Forms first. And if necessary use other tools such as Flying Star to look at within the home.
5. The rationale for this is quite simple:-
One classic example was written by Dr Evelyn Lip in one of her books.
6. Here, no one really knew why, there were so many calamity in e.g. this specific home. Even a Feng Shui Master intially could not understand the situation.
7. However, if I can remember correctly, it so happen that it was low tide and the Feng Shui Master peered or looked at a canal and saw a profile of a stone which looks like a frog with it's mouth opened facing the house.
8. Here, the Feng Shui Master had found the problem! The hungry mouth of the seemingly innocent looking figurine had caused this problem. One situation is to fill up the mouth of the frog. Or remove it.
9. Therefore, if there is a problem, and one cannot hire a competent FS Professional on-site, may have to do more `homework'.
And this is why, in a forum type of environment, where advise is given without being on-site, I cannot really pin-point exactly the problems faced by many people:-
9.1 As no two situations are similar
9.2 One or two line descriptions or even detailed wordings may get mis-interpreted.
Therefore, one has to be more cautious in providing advise. And it is always better to give more information.
For example, frequent forum users like Mr Benjamin Jue and several other forum users have always tried to give as much details as possible. And with such information, one can expect better replies. I do not expect everyone to have digital cameras etc... or scanned images but... I hope to bring up that the more details given, the more confident of giving better advise.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/15/2002 1:52:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil, if your home is to
yin will this make you out of
balance personaly? stressed or
ill ? And if so ,how can you
tell if it is to yin? Thank
you Diana

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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