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Dear Cecil,
Thanks for the credited reports. I have run all three reports and tried to analyse and understand. Here's my few questions that need enlightenment. So sorry that the questions are going to be quite a fair bit. Many thanks in advance.
1. First from the pillar of destiny, it seems that my element clashes with my husband. I am weak earth and he is weak water. My favourable element is earth and fire. He is 1966 and I am 1970. What can be done to harmonise?
2. In our new house which yet to be renovated, and since his kua 7 and mine 3 is of opposite, the house favour him instead of me. So I read that to neutralise, I should inject element that flavour me. I intend to paint portion of our bed room in (NorthWest-big metal)warm red with gold and perhaps place some earth object for enhancement. But will it harm the harmony and work well to balance our clashes?
3. From my career report. it said water is my wealth representation. And mentioned that according to my pillar, I will not completely enjoy this wealth unless I enhance with Fire. But won't fire put off water? and water also supposingly weaken my weak earth.
4. From the ten dities, earn wealth is 4 and unexpected wealth is 0, and competitor is 5 which is the highest. So does it mean that I will dfinitely face a lot of negative forces since there will be strong competitors. Any cure?
Looking at the year 2002 pillars of destiny yearly, in terms of year luck, it says favours water element. as I am a weak earth, it does not affect me. however it is your weath period, you will be able to benefit from it if you are a strong element. My question is what is meant by strong element here in this context?
Under clashes, earthly branch self pusnishment is WU. So how does it affect and what can be done?
5. Something on business side. Looking at our elements of 2 main active partner and one sleeping partner.
Company is registered under sleeping partner whose element is weak water. Active partners are weak earth and weak metal. When we design we logo, is silver on white the best usage?
Sheue Mei

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