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Hi Cecil,
I was told by a friend that placing two tiger statues with mouths wide open will protect any business from sharp corners or protruding roads.
But I have been reading many topics on this site which suggests that the white tiger is an unlucky animal. Can you please clarify this..because I am quite confused now.
Is a white tiger different from any normal tiger statue or are they the same symbolically?
Can I use the two tigers in the front of my restaurant?
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Dear Angelica,
1. Yes, it is a common occurence to place two tiger statues with mouths wide open on each side of the main entrance door mainly for protection.
2. Try to add a red ribbon on the neck of each of the tiger statues.
3. Basically, the tiger statue e.g. white or gold represents the Metal element.
4. And the red ribbon helps to control the tiger. Usually, a pearl is added to the centre of the ribbon.
5. On another issue of `wealth' as opposed to protection:-
For a north facing entrance, it is particularly auspicious to use the two tiger statues (white or gold). As metal is auspicious for this sector. Thus metal, helps water to grow. Thus an auspicious combination. And the red ribbon on each tiger is good to still bind it. The pearl is more as means of decoration.
6. For a south facing entrance, usually, Green coloured tigers are used here. As green represents wood element. And Since south represents fire, wood and fire combination is good.
7. For protection using Tiger statues:
AVOID using two white tigers at South for protection. The rationale is that Fire will destroy Metal i.e. the two white tigers. Turning them into poor little `pussy' cats or kittens. Without any bite.
This is even worse-off if it happens that one has a neighbouring shop facing this shop entrance at the South. The neighbour hangs a red cloth over their sign board. This red will neutralise and `melt' the poor pussy cats, further.
8. In fact, in some of Ba Gua mirrors, the two tigers are used in conjuction with a mouth in each of the tigers. In fact, I had posted a pair of golden tiger samples with a sword in their mouth. Under the conference: Photo Tours of Interest - the pictures included in one of the Part .. of the types of Ba gua mirror used.
9. So long as the tiger is not within or facing into the house or shop, there is no issue with the pair of white tigers.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/24/2002 3:02:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
I was told by a friend that
placing two tiger statues with
mouths wide open will protect
any business from sharp
corners or protruding roads.
But I have been reading many
topics on this site which
suggests that the white tiger
is an unlucky animal. Can you
please clarify this..because I
am quite confused now.
Is a white tiger different
from any normal tiger statue
or are they the same
Can I use the two tigers in
the front of my restaurant?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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