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Dear sir,
I'm new to feng shui and after looking at the sleeping postion and the bedroom position I'm confused. I live in a duplex and I own the east side of the building. My bedroom is in the north section which is good but what is the relation to my position? Does it also have to be north in the room? Right now my head is in the west portion of that room and west is bad for me.
Thank you.
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  • Staff

Dear Louise,
1. In a duplex home, it is still best to also look at the Shapes and Forms of your house in relation to the landscape and site of the house.
2. For a duplex house, you can still find the centrepoint of your duplex unit. And from there, look at it in relationship with compass direction found in each of the rooms.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/4/2002 1:07:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear sir,
I'm new to feng shui and after
looking at the sleeping
postion and the bedroom
position I'm confused. I live
in a duplex and I own the east
side of the building. My
bedroom is in the north
section which is good but what
is the relation to my
position? Does it also have to
be north in the room? Right
now my head is in the west
portion of that room and west
is bad for me.
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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