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I recently read a FS book stating that an East person should stay in the East house (vice versa) even though the direction of the door may not be favourable. For eg, an East person with KUA No.1 should stay a house that faces West (even though this direction is not favourable to the person)in order to categorise the house as an East house.
Pls comment.
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Dear Yang Ming,
1. Yes, under the Eight House Theory or also known as the East/West Group of persons, it is advisable that an East person should occupy an `East house'.
2. For an East person, therefore, a favourable house is one where the main door is located at either:-
2.1 From the above, one will notice that if one looks hard enough one could find a suitable house where e.g. the main door is located in the East.
2.2 And because bedrooms always often `scattered' around other locations, one possibility is to look for houses eg.
Main door = East
Master bedroom located in North or South or South East.
or Main door at either North, South or South East while the bedroom is located in the East.
3. This (the above) is the ideal situation based on the Eight House or East/West Group of persons theory.
4. We should place the Eight House Theory as under " NICE to HAVE ".
What is meant by NICE to HAVE?
Overall, no matter how, the house should favourably have good shapes and form.
Realistically, if we have a plot of land to build a house: And if the house has a hill with compass bearing at the EAST and there is clear space at the WEST, logically speaking, we should (MUST) build the house with the frontage at the WEST.
It is not ideal to have the main door at the EAST (mountain side). Here, if built wrongly brings calamity or bad luck to the owners or residents.
Thus, we may perhaps, see if we can consider e.g. having the main door at the side of the house. How about South or North side?
And can we have the masterbedroom situated at EAST?
5. Overall, the East/West group can be used to determine how suitable a house to the individual or breadwinner.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/8/2002 12:07:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I recently read a FS book
stating that an East person
should stay in the East house
(vice versa) even though the
direction of the door may not
be favourable. For eg, an East
person with KUA No.1 should
stay a house that faces West
(even though this direction is
not favourable to the
person)in order to categorise
the house as an East house.
Pls comment.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Guest Anonymous

I had posted a similar question earlier.
My confusion is that houses sitiing in the East directions are called EAST houses. Then according to this the house should face West(sitting in East),or North(sitting in South) or South(sitting in North) orNW(sitting in SE).Now out of these NW and W are not considered to be good directions for the East group people, especially if they happen to be Death and Disaster directions for an individual.
Please comment.
Thanking you very much.
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