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My husband and I have just bought a piece of land in South Africa. The land does not run onto the road directly(panhandle driveway). The road is to the north of the property and to the south there is a nature reserve with a cliff and a small stream running at the bottom. On the other side of the stream the gorge rises again and there are other houses facing onto our property over a distance of about 300-400 meters. Our intended home will have a front door facing north. How does location (southern hemisphere) affect our busines and happiness?
Many thanks,
Sonet van Zyl
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  • Staff

Dear Sonet,
1. In my opinion, there is a general concensus amongst many well known FS practitioners that the Southern Hemisphere `debate' is not an issue in Feng Shui.
2. This is because, many of the theories deal with the foundamental in Feng Shui such as:-
Yin and Yang concept;
The Five Elements Concept;
Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
3. These three areas totally do not depend on the `compass school' of Feng Shui.
4. The only area that Shapes and Form School has is simply the use of pictorial to describe each directions with e.g. an animal sign. Such as East (Green Dragon) or West (White Tiger). All these if one understands properly is simply the use of pictures or illustrations to better describe a situation under Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
5. The only contention anyone can try to bring up is on the Flying Star or Compass School Feng Shui. But, no one can concretely prove that one should change the directions under this school.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/8/2002 5:48:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
My husband and I have just
bought a piece of land in
South Africa. The land does
not run onto the road
directly(panhandle driveway).
The road is to the north of
the property and to the south
there is a nature reserve with
a cliff and a small stream
running at the bottom. On the
other side of the stream the
gorge rises again and there
are other houses facing onto
our property over a distance
of about 300-400 meters. Our
intended home will have a
front door facing north. How
does location (southern
hemisphere) affect our busines
and happiness?
Many thanks,
Sonet van Zyl

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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