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It is mentioned that having a bedroom over a garage is an unfavourable location. I have just finished construction of our new house and I our bedroom is situated above our garage. Ever since we have moved into the new house, somehow I've never had "good sleep" in that bedroom not to mention that I've been catching colds and fevers numerous times. Is there any way to cure this? And is there a cure that doesn't require a major expense on our part. Like I mentioned, we just completed our house and at the moment we are pretty tight in our funds. Thanks.
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  • Staff

Dear Lloyd,
In many instances, a bedroom over a garage is not an issue - related to sleep or health problems.
Ideally, you may have to check the direction of your bedroom location. If this is a Period 7 house, currently sectors that has health related problems are at either East or South or other sectors depending on the compass direction of the main door - Flying Star theory.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/8/2002 7:49:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
It is mentioned that having a
bedroom over a garage is an
unfavourable location. I have
just finished construction of
our new house and I our
bedroom is situated above our
garage. Ever since we have
moved into the new house,
somehow I've never had "good
sleep" in that bedroom not to
mention that I've been
catching colds and fevers
numerous times. Is there any
way to cure this? And is there
a cure that doesn't require a
major expense on our part.
Like I mentioned, we just
completed our house and at the
moment we are pretty tight in
our funds. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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