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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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"I have had the absolute privilege of studying Feng Shui under the guidance of Masters Cecil and Robert Lee.
Apart from learning the traditional method of this system, they have also taught me about compassion and humility. These qualities are extremely important in my opinion as we are dealing with people's lives when we delve deeply into their Four Pillars Chart and try assist as much as possible.
Over the years, nothing has been too much of a problem for them in helping me attain the success I now experience.
How I wish they were in down town Perth, Western Australia. I sincerely hope you Singaporeans understand just how very very fortunate you are to have them "on tap". I am originally from Singapore many years ago and I have an excellent understanding of the culture and lifestyle of the Island.
Out of interest, I "monitor" a few Feng Shui "Lists" coming out of Singapore and to say that there is amazing nonsense being
proliferated is putting it very mildly indeed. I feel so very sorry for those being "sucked in".
So guys, we are a very lucky bunch of folk to be under the umbrella of Cecil and Robert Lee. I have no doubt reading all the posts that come thru Geomancy Net that you all do appreciate their efforts.
Let me say, this is an unsolicited endorsement and if Cecil and Robert see fit, I can be contacted at my email address
which is lifestyle88@ozemail.com.au "
Glyn Hezakiah

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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