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Dear Cecil,
The following was printed in the Sun paper on the 12 April 2002 in UK.My =question is how will this affect feng shui.
Earth's magnetic poles are swapping ends, scientists revealed yesterday.
Satelite data shows the magnetic field pointing in the wrong way under =South Africa- indicating a new reversal, New Scientist magazine =reported.
Also Minerals in ancient rocks reveal the north and south magnetis poles =can vanish and reappear in reverse.It last happened 780,000years ago.
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Dear Madan,
Thank you for bring up this interesting report.
My comments are as follows:-
Lets first look at the three Periods of the Lunar Calendar
6th Period or Yang Metal - 1964 to 1983
7th Period or Yin Metal - 1984 to 2003
8th Period or Yang Earth - 2004 to 2023
If one can notice, that Period 8th is significant because we are entering a period generally of Strong Earth (Yang Earth).
The observations could be true because Yang Earth unlike other elements has a lesser influence. Since earth element is strong throughout and prevalent.
There was this study done on I-ching prediction some years back and a graph was plotted and the i-ching graph went into `infinity'.
As this occurrence has never occurred during human being's life time, i.e. we only on this earth less than the period mentioned, perhaps, we may have to relook at the Compass School model when it hits us.
With so much participation in Feng Shui today i.e. such a wide audience, more case studies can be made to find tune (if necessary) and in particular the Compass School model. However, for Shapes and Form Feng Shui, this does not really change much.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/22/2002 3:28:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
The following was printed in
the Sun paper on the 12 April
2002 in UK.My =question is how
will this affect feng shui.
Earth's magnetic poles are
swapping ends, scientists
revealed yesterday.
Satelite data shows the
magnetic field pointing in the
wrong way under =South Africa-
indicating a new reversal, New
Scientist magazine =reported.
Also Minerals in ancient rocks
reveal the north and south
magnetis poles =can vanish and
reappear in reverse.It last
happened 780,000years ago.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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