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Guest Anonymous

Dear Cecil,
The SW sector is said to affect the Mother , The old lady, the wife. If there is a mother in law in the house and 2 daughters in law will it affect all three of them
Another similar question is ......
If a boy is the eldest son in the family, the East sector affects him.,but if he is also the patriarch does the East affect him or does the NW.
Another doubt.
If a family has only 1 daughter, will she be affected by the SE or all the 3 sectors which relate to The eldest daughter, middle daughter and the younget daughter.
Please enlighten.
Thanking you.
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  • Staff

Dear `Seeker',
There are many ways at looking at the Trigrams and it's relation with the premises.
However, what you had mentioned is very similiar to `life associations' or eight aspirations/associations concept.
In my opinion, this is quite general and not specific. And therefore, it is hard to say for sure if this type of reasoning can always work (most of the time if at all - too general an assessment of the situation).
The closest to this is to say that the Ba Gua mirror is often used because it represents a family (close-kit) and what better symbolism is a family unit which is considered to be a very strong `arrangement'.
Otherwise, it is difficult to apply what you had mentioned below.
Furthermore, nowadays, a family unit is getting smaller and the most an average family may have is a few children. Some even have only one or two children. And it is difficult to see if what you had mentioned i.e. the reasoning `flow' as there are few examples.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/29/2002 2:53:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
The SW sector is said to
affect the Mother , The old
lady, the wife. If there is a
mother in law in the house and
2 daughters in law will it
affect all three of them
Another similar question is
If a boy is the eldest son in
the family, the East sector
affects him.,but if he is also
the patriarch does the East
affect him or does the NW.
Another doubt.
If a family has only 1
daughter, will she be affected
by the SE or all the 3 sectors
which relate to The eldest
daughter, middle daughter and
the younget daughter.
Please enlighten.
Thanking you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Guest Anonymous

Dear Cecil,
Some observations led me to ask you that questions.
Here is real life example. A family has 2 daughters and has the SE totally missing. Now the eldest daughter is WEST group and the younger one is EAST group. In this case rather than affecting the elder daughter the younger daughter has a tough life physically and mentally. They share the same room, so it cant be that any other sector is affecting them. Maybe I am wrong . But Iam still on my to learning more about feng shui and want to explore all possibilities.
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