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Dear Cecil/Robert;
I have a question regarding the bed, what is the meaning of bed which has 4 bedposts that is very tall, and looks like pointing arrow to the ceiling? Also the headboard is very strong and solid wood, and the headboard has a pointing arrow in the middle and it also points to the ceiling. In other words the bed looks like Spanish Style. (The price is about USD $900)
The bed is quite high, and requires a footstep to step on the bed.
Kindly, please advice me for this type of bed.
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Dear Hardjo,
A poster bed is useful if there is a slanted ceiling. The four posts hold e.g. laced cloth. And with it, it will negate the sha qi.
Enclosed please find a sample of a poster bed. Many poster beds does not have a roof as shown in the picture.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/12/2002 3:14:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil/Robert;
I have a question regarding
the bed, what is the meaning
of bed which has 4 bedposts
that is very tall, and looks
like pointing arrow to the
ceiling? Also the headboard is
very strong and solid wood,
and the headboard has a
pointing arrow in the middle
and it also points to the
ceiling. In other words the
bed looks like Spanish Style.
(The price is about USD $900)
The bed is quite high, and
requires a footstep to step on
the bed.
Kindly, please advice me for
this type of bed.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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