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Dear Cecil,
I have lived in our current home for about 10 years. In the last ten years, I had 3 big opportunities to have a lot of money on hand, but each time, the money will slip away. For example, I purchased a stock and it would return 2,000% but because I held on and did not sell, it is now worthless. This happened about 3-4 times while I lived in this home. I thought I would learn my lesson the first time, but no, I would let it melt away the second and third and fourth time. What can I do in my home to prevent this from happening again? A friend of mine puts a basket in the entry way, almost at the bottom of the stairs to signify the money going into the basket, instead of out to the door, which is at the foot of the stairs. Also, she had put a jug alongside the basket, so money will come in the front door. Will this help? A little history of the house, previous owner was bankrupt, so we purchased the home at a foreclosure. The owner prior, who is the first owner of the home, were divorced, forcing a sale of the home. Is this home bringing us bad luck? The home is at the end of the street that curves to a cul de sac, so I had put windchimes on the front entry way. I had also put the house numbers at the back of the house to signify the entrance, since West is my lucky part of the home. The home faces East. Please advise and help me. Thank you,
C. Lin
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Dear Chloe Lin,
1. Currently, it is difficult to imagine how much threat (or any) with regards to the cul de sac.
2. Appreciate if you can draw a sketch of your house in relation to the cul de sac:
2.1. In particular, the location of the main entrance door.
2.2. Profile of the curve of cul de sac towards your house.
2.3. The rough distance between the cul de sac to your home.
3. One must understand that internal enhancements e.g. putting a basket inside the house etc.. to `catch' wealth should not be the first move - especially if the house is under an external threat.
4. Here, it is best to diagnose whether there is a leak somewhere. A primary way of doing this is FIRST fix the LEAK.
5. Frankly, imagine, we are now in a small boat. The boat has a small leak on it's side. It is not prudent to ignore this leak and concentrate on `enhancements'.
6. The boat will ultimately sink. I am saying your house may have this situation. But, let's look at it in a more scientific method.
7. If one can plug the leak, this would be a long term solution. Than e.g. paying homage to corners in a home.
8. On your own, this is best that you can do, first and urgently.
9. Perhaps, I would like to touch on how we trouble-shoot problems if any:-
Again, this calls for a pragmatic approach in such a situation:-
10. What happens if one stays in a house and faced problem?
Normally, on a professional level, the Ba Zi of each family member is looked at. In particular, the current Luck Pillars.
If the breadwinner's current Luck Pillars is unfavourable, the advise given is to apply his/her favourable elements to help the breadwinner.
On the other hand the house birth chart and environment is looked at.
11. There are two major senarios here:
11.1 The breadwinner's Ba Zi has clashes in his current period Luck Pillars. And the house has major leaks.
This spells much `worse' trouble. And to fix the leak, both breadwinner's personal self and the house need to be fixed.
11.2 The breadwinner's current Luck Pillars period is auspicious. While the house still has a major leak.
12. From the above, you can see, that it is if one uses such tools properly, one can `scientifically' trouble-shoot to see what went `wrong'.
And the key success factor is to fix as many `major' leaks or to reduce, them where possible.
13. Many of us instead, `look the other way'. Instead of fixing leak(s), we instead pay homage to corners. Which unfortunately yield very little results. And will still ultimately sink. This is unfortunately, a vicious cycle of not knowing what `hit us' or went truly wrong.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/14/2002 6:04:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I have lived in our current
home for about 10 years. In
the last ten years, I had 3
big opportunities to have a
lot of money on hand, but each
time, the money will slip
away. For example, I
purchased a stock and it would
return 2,000% but because I
held on and did not sell, it
is now worthless. This
happened about 3-4 times while
I lived in this home. I
thought I would learn my
lesson the first time, but no,
I would let it melt away the
second and third and fourth
time. What can I do in my home
to prevent this from happening
again? A friend of mine puts
a basket in the entry way,
almost at the bottom of the
stairs to signify the money
going into the basket, instead
of out to the door, which is
at the foot of the stairs.
Also, she had put a jug
alongside the basket, so money
will come in the front door.
Will this help? A little
history of the house, previous
owner was bankrupt, so we
purchased the home at a
foreclosure. The owner prior,
who is the first owner of the
home, were divorced, forcing a
sale of the home. Is this
home bringing us bad luck?
The home is at the end of the
street that curves to a cul de
sac, so I had put windchimes
on the front entry way. I had
also put the house numbers at
the back of the house to
signify the entrance, since
West is my lucky part of the
home. The home faces East.
Please advise and help me.
Thank you,
C. Lin

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I tried to draw as you had requested the position of the house in relation to the cul de sac, also where the front door is facing. The drawing is squarish because I am using a Word processor. Where the cul de sac is should be curved. I hope this helps. If you need further info or drawing to be able to answer my concern, please let me know.
Thank you,
C. Lin

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Dear Chloe Lin,
1. Thank you for making the effort to draw a sketch.
2. I have revised it using an outline of what you had sent. Please see attached.
3. I need to understand further:-
3.1 Is the cul de sac oval shaped?
3.2 As I cannot clearly see how the curve of the cul de sac is in relation to the road, I cannot fully comment on the impact on your house.
But, based on what you had drawn, with the road coming into your front of the house, I would say that your house (based on this intitial findings) is a `direct hit' or threated by the road and cul de sac.
3.3 I have drawn the two way movement of cars based on American standard i.e. cars drive on the right side of the road. Is my drawing correct.
3.4 When you stand at the main entrance, facing outwards of your house, can you immediately see the road leading into and out of your home.
3.5 Are there any windows at this side of the road. And if so, where.
Thank you.
Warmest Regards
Cecil Lee

On 5/15/2002 5:03:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much for your
prompt reply.
I tried to draw as you had
requested the position of the
house in relation to the cul
de sac, also where the front
door is facing. The drawing is
squarish because I am using a
Word processor. Where the cul
de sac is should be curved. I
hope this helps. If you need
further info or drawing to be
able to answer my concern,
please let me know.
Thank you,
C. Lin

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much in trying to understand where the house is situated in the cul de sac.
The cul de sac is more round than oval shape. But the way you draw the 2 lanes are correct. The right lane of the street directly hits a window, which is to the right of the front door (left side of the front door will be the garage), altho you can see the front door and portion of the garage, once you turn to the street going towards the cul de sac. The front door would almost be facing the center line, i.e. between the right and left lanes. Yes, I can see the road from the door. My front door is a double door with stained glass from top to the middle portion of the door, so each time one comes down the stairs you can see outside the street. The window on the left is where the living room is.
I may be able to take a digital camera and take a picture of the frontage and cul de sac, if it will be helpful.
Thank you again,
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Dear Cecil,
I tried to draw the street/cul de sac and its relation to the house.
On the porch, I had hang a wind chime and on the top of the front door, I had a ba gua sign. I have a lucky eye that I can use also, if needs be to protect the house. Where the window is, I had planted a japanese maple tree. The walk way is thru the driveway. In the front of the lawn, is the brick mailbox. The street center goes straigt to the front door. I can see the two lanes of the road from my door. The front door faces east. I know I am a West person, so I had put the number of the house on the back of the house.
From the front door entry is the staircase, altho the staircase is L shaped. I had put a faceted crystal ball on the chandelier that is on the entry area.
Thank you for all your help.

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Dear Chloe Lin,
Thank you for the revised plan.
1. Yes, it looks like your house is vulnerable to `Sha Qi' (bad qi) from the cul de sac.
Please see below:-

On 5/19/2002 5:18:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I tried to draw the street/cul
de sac and its relation to the
On the porch, I had hang a
wind chime and on the top of
the front door, I had a ba gua
sign. I have a lucky eye that
I can use also, if needs be to
protect the house. Where the
window is, I had planted a
japanese maple tree. The walk
way is thru the driveway. In
the front of the lawn, is the
brick mailbox. The street
center goes straigt to the
front door. I can see the two
lanes of the road from my
door. The front door faces
east. I know I am a West
person, so I had put the
number of the house on the
back of the house.

Yes, try to protect the house in such a situation.
Another safety feature is to paint the gate red.
Here, the cul de sac is symbolic of metal element with a `knife/sickle' slicing into your home.
Under the five elements concept, fire element can be used to tame or control this metal element (in addition to what you have proposed).
The best option is red/clay bricks frontwall area. An alternative is to paint the gate red. Where red is meant to control `metal' or sha qi of the cul de sac.
Warmest Regards,

From the front door entry is
the staircase, altho the
staircase is L shaped. I had
put a faceted crystal ball on
the chandelier that is on the
entry area.
Thank you for all your help.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 8 years later...

On 5/22/2002 9:31:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Chloe Lin,
Thank you for the revised
1. Yes, it looks like your
house is vulnerable to `Sha
Qi' (bad qi) from the cul de
Hi Cecil,
If the vehicles using the cul de sac are limited, can we say that it is not that vulnerable after all?
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Yes, this is a very good point
However, depending on how each of the homes are arranged; this also has a significant affect on the qi flow of the home. Thus, Shapes and Forms is still critical.
Often in a cul-de-sac; some homes are still at a losing end.. while there are some which have better qi. And again it depends on the arrangement of each home, the distance between them and the main entrance area etc.. etc..
In addition, there may or could be poison arrow(s) in the form of neighbour's house corner or wall or even lamp post etc..that MAY or could slice into another home vs all homes if they are neatly arranged in an orderly fashion.
Thus, it is still always best to look out for sha qi in this type of home.
There were cases where a home was sandwiched between two others.. resulting in "fatality" e.g. the male breadwinner's death. But this is rare but I recalled, could and had happened before.

On 3/27/2011 10:10:54 PM, Anonymous wrote:
On 5/22/2002 9:31:00 PM, Cecil Lee
Dear Chloe Lin,

Thank you for the revised

1. Yes, it looks like your
house is vulnerable to `Sha
Qi' (bad qi) from the cul de

Hi Cecil,If the vehicles using the
cul de sac are limited, can we say that
it is not that vulnerable after all?Kev

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Majority of homes at Cul-De-Sac; don't have such a configuration as mentioned, below; or else; based on the book of Yang Zhia Shi Shu; how one places one's home in relation to other homes can affect health or even leading to death...
Enclosed please find a picture of a house where death would occur twice. This is based on the book Yang Zhai Shi Shu

Therefore, many people prefer to play safe and buy homes that are in uniform rows that don't meander or be in a cul-de-sac.
Just imagine, in some cul-de-sac homes, there can be similar layout as shown in the above URL!
This is an actual case where one of the forum users replied when she saw the above illustration.

Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Oct 1999, 07:03 AM,

Hi Cecil

This is so very very true.

Both my mother in law and father in law died within eleven months of each other in 1997 and 1998.They lived in a house with exactly the same set up as you have indicated. They had only been in the house 4 years...a magnificent house it was too.

== END ==
Thus, things like a fire-hyrant, here seems more like "a pussy" cat issue.. More importantly, what matters (are) the bigger issues...

On 3/27/2011 10:20:55 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Yes, this is a very good pointHowever,
depending on how each of the homes are
arranged; this also has a significant
affect on the qi flow of the home. Thus,
Shapes and Forms is still critical.
Often in a cul-de-sac; some homes are
still at a losing end.. while there are
some which have better qi. And again it
depends on the arrangement of each home,
the distance between them and the main
entrance area etc.. etc..In addition,
there may or could be poison arrow(s) in
the form of neighbour's house corner or
wall or even lamp post etc..that
MAY or could slice into another home vs
all homes if they are neatly arranged in
an orderly fashion.Thus, it is still
always best to look out for sha qi in
this type of home.There were cases where
a home was sandwiched between two
others.. resulting in "fatality" e.g.
the male breadwinner's death. But this
is rare but I recalled, could and had
happened before.On 3/27/2011 10:10:54
PM, kevin khong wrote:
On 5/22/2002
9:31:00 PM, Cecil Lee
Dear Chloe Lin,

Thank you for the revised

1. Yes,
it looks like your
house is
vulnerable to `Sha
Qi' (bad qi)
from the cul de

Hi Cecil,If the vehicles using
cul de sac are limited, can we
say that
it is not that vulnerable
after all?Kev

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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