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Dear Users,
1 June to 4 June 2002
We apologise if you had difficulty accessing Geomancy.net or tried to e-mail us between 1 June to 4 June 2002.
We had a server OS problem during this period and had to re-install the OS and restore all our backup DATA by 4 June 2002.
Given the choice, we would not have used this `buggy' OS. But, since there is a near monopoly with this `Giant'; unfortunately there is not much good alternative around, here:(
As of today, the server is fully restored and we took the opportunity to improve the entire website.
If you had tried to send us an e-mail but was rejected or not sure if we had received it, please re-sending them again so
that your queries can be promptly answered.
Apologise for any inconvience caused.
We took the opportunity to change the port assignments of the additional web servers that host the Forum and Member area:-
1. Forum Changes
New URL: http://forum.geomancy.net (Formerly was URL: http://forum.geomancy.net:8080)
No longer require port: 8080
2. Members Area
New URL: http://online.geomancy.net:8080 (Formerly was URL: http://online.geomancy.net:8081)
As mentioned above, the above is transparent to you. These two changes will allow you to virtually log-in from anywhere e.g.
during lunch hours at work etc....
This re-installation gave us a chance to clean-up and improve on overall security of all our various web services and allowed
us to more efficiently re-organise the installed server software for optimal performance.
We have increased more Real-Time Support channels, in addition to our Live Chat software, such as the following. All possible
real-time or e-mail support channels are grouped together in this Real-Time Support box located at nearly all pages of the website.
1. Geomancy IRC Group Chat
It allows group chatting sessions for group particiption as well as an easy yet reliable one-to-one chat sessions with you.
You can use our web-based IRC client, or if you have an IRC chat client installed. Just
point your IRC software to access our IRC chat server (server: forum.geomancy.net, port 7000).
URL: http://chat.geomancy.net
2. Yahoo! Instant Messaging
Many users already have Yahoo! Messenger installed and/or Yahoo! support web-based version for new users, so we decided to
add this neat feature as another way for users to contact us particularly if we are online. It also allows you to send us
offline message in case we are not available to answer your call immediately.
URL: http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=geomancynet&.src=pg
Hope you enjoy the various changes.
Warmest Regards
Cecil & Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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