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When we discuss fire element, usually, lighting is not taken into consideration in this caution note!
Although Red is considered an auspicious colour, the following need to be taken into consideration:-
If one is not sure, or had not properly consulted a Feng Shui practitioner, it is best not to use fire (red, pink or purple) liberally because:
1. Fire element will fuel or help earth element. (For those who are aware of Flying Star Feng Shui, it will further fuel bad earth e.g. #2 sickness or #5 misfortune, sickness.
2. Fire element is also a destroyer or the metal element especially if it is used as a cure.
Besides, this, there are more considerations with regards to fire element:-
1. For a weak water person, it is disadvantages to have fire (pink, purple or red.)
2. Too much fire element is too yang and usually is not as suitable a colour for the bedroom.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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