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Dear All,
Another authentic cure is the following:-
6-coins in a Jar of salt water
Step 1:-
Find a glass jar, approximately 3 inches or more inches in diameter. Enough to hold 6 metal coins.
Step 2:-
Pour ordinary tap water into the jar until approximately three-quarters full.
Step 3:-
Stir the salt solution until it is fully dissolved.
Step 4:-
Place 6 metal coins (i-ching type with square holes at the centre) into an ordinary glass jar.
Step 5:-
Add some gold flakes into this jar. If the gold flake is a piece of flake, cut it into small sizes or simply place this small piece of flake into the jar.
Place it at a location such that it one does not trip on it e.g. below the hollow of the window ledge.
DO NOT place it next to the bed. As there may be vapours emitted.
This is considered as an authentic Feng Shui cure. As it has been used widely locally and especially in Hong Kong.
As we all know, salt water can be acidic and would react with the metallic coins to emit (some invisible vapour).
1. It is best not to use this cure at locations where the windows are closed all the time.
2. Steer clear from leaving it close to the bed e.g. on the night table.
3. This type of cure is used especially if there are severe or multiple #2's and /or #5's and /or #3 and / or #4. Particuarly more for combinations of #2 and #3's.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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