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Hi Cecil,
I'm Christina. I've got some enquiries.
I'm always deprive of sleep. Our bed in the Master Bed room is being =placed such a way that it is under a beam. I always feel that I've not =enough sleep and simply can't go to sleep easily. Always tossing here & =there.
According to feng shui which I've came across that sitting / sleeping =under the beam doesn't reflect so good. My room plan doesn't allow us =to place the bed in good position.
I'll like to describe a bit of my master bed room: -
When entering the room, the toilet is just beside the entrance door. =The window is facing opp. the toilet. Horizontally, I've placed my =dress cardboard and opp. the dress cardboard is our sleeping King Size =Bed. That's where we placed our Wedding photo and there is a beam on =top the photo & head of the bed. Right now the bed is slightly slant a =bit facing the entrance door (not directly facing entrance door).
I've thought of changing the bed position, the only position that I can =think of is shifting the bed to beside the window. But my bed set is =quite huge, it might extend to slightly under a window. I think sleep =under a window is also not a good position, isn't it.
Seems like I've no choice but to still sleep under the beam, could you =pls. advise whether any remedy to be done to that beam.
I also suspect that the beam makes both my husband & myself sick often =now & then. We've been sleeping under the beam for the past 6 years. =(Our daughter is 6 years old already). Our health seems like declining, =not really in pink health. Don't know whether is it cause by the beam.
One more question: about infertility issue.
I've been planning to have my second child since 2 years ago. Ever =since when I've move in to my presence house, both of us have been =trying very hard for the 2nd child. But till now, no good news of me =getting conceive.
Last month I've went to see my doctor and had a minor operation to =increase my chance of having a baby. I have still no confidence on =conceiving after the operation. Could U please advise what kind of =auspicious thing that I can place in my bedroom or surrounding house in =order to increase the chance of having conceive.
Thanks a lot.
Rdgs. Christina

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Hi Cecil,

I'm Christina. I've got some

I'm always deprive of sleep. Our =bed in the
Master Bed room is being placed such a way that it is under a =beam.
I always feel that I've not enough sleep and simply can't go to sleep
easily. Always tossing here & there.

According to feng shui which I've came =across that
sitting / sleeping under the beam doesn't reflect so good. My room =plan
doesn't allow us to place the bed in good position.

I'll like to describe a bit of my =master bed room:

When entering the room, the toilet is =just beside
the entrance door. The window is facing opp. the toilet.
Horizontally, I've placed my dress cardboard and opp. the dress =cardboard is our
sleeping King Size Bed. That's where we placed our Wedding photo =and there
is a beam on top the photo & head of the bed. Right now the =bed is
slightly slant a bit facing the entrance door (not directly facing =entrance

I've thought of changing the bed =position, the only
position that I can think of is shifting the bed to beside the =window. But
my bed set is quite huge, it might extend to slightly under a =window. I
think sleep under a window is also not a good position, isn't =it.

Seems like I've no choice but to still =sleep under
the beam, could you pls. advise whether any remedy to be done to that

I also suspect that the beam makes both =my husband
& myself sick often now & then. We've been sleeping under =the beam
for the past 6 years. (Our daughter is 6 years old already). =Our
health seems like declining, not really in pink health. Don't know =whether
is it cause by the beam.

One more question: about =infertility

I've been planning to have my second =child since 2
years ago. Ever since when I've move in to my presence house, both =of us
have been trying very hard for the 2nd child. But till now, no =good news
of me getting conceive.

Last month I've went to see my doctor =and had a
minor operation to increase my chance of having a baby. I =have
still no confidence on conceiving after the operation. Could U =please
advise what kind of auspicious thing that I can place in my bedroom or
surrounding house in order to increase the chance of having

Thanks a lot.

Rdgs. Christina

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Dear Sor Lan,
There are three alternatives to your situation:-
A. The use of bamboo flutes hung in such a method:-
B. Please see attached two photos:-
One photo shows a support strut. While another shows two bamboo flutes `holding' up the beam.
For the support strut, it can be a simple arch construction.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/28/2002 1:21:27 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
I'm Christina. I've got some
I'm always deprive of sleep.
Our bed in the Master Bed room
is being =placed such a way
that it is under a beam. I
always feel that I've not
=enough sleep and simply can't
go to sleep easily. Always
tossing here & =there.
According to feng shui which
I've came across that sitting
/ sleeping =under the beam
doesn't reflect so good. My
room plan doesn't allow us =to
place the bed in good
I'll like to describe a bit of
my master bed room: -
When entering the room, the
toilet is just beside the
entrance door. =The window is
facing opp. the toilet.
Horizontally, I've placed my
=dress cardboard and opp. the
dress cardboard is our
sleeping King Size =Bed.
That's where we placed our
Wedding photo and there is a
beam on =top the photo & head
of the bed. Right now the bed
is slightly slant a =bit
facing the entrance door (not
directly facing entrance
I've thought of changing the
bed position, the only
position that I can =think of
is shifting the bed to beside
the window. But my bed set is
=quite huge, it might extend
to slightly under a window. I
think sleep =under a window is
also not a good position,
isn't it.
Seems like I've no choice but
to still sleep under the beam,
could you =pls. advise whether
any remedy to be done to that
I also suspect that the beam
makes both my husband & myself
sick often =now & then. We've
been sleeping under the beam
for the past 6 years. =(Our
daughter is 6 years old
already). Our health seems
like declining, =not really in
pink health. Don't know
whether is it cause by the
One more question: about
infertility issue.
I've been planning to have my
second child since 2 years
ago. Ever =since when I've
move in to my presence house,
both of us have been =trying
very hard for the 2nd child.
But till now, no good news of
me =getting conceive.
Last month I've went to see my
doctor and had a minor
operation to =increase my
chance of having a baby. I
have still no confidence on
=conceiving after the
operation. Could U please
advise what kind of
=auspicious thing that I can
place in my bedroom or
surrounding house in =order to
increase the chance of having
Thanks a lot.
Rdgs. Christina

Content-Type: text/html;

Hi Cecil,
I'm Christina.? I've got
I'm always deprive of
sleep.? Our =bed in the
Master Bed room is being
placed such a way that it is
under a =beam.??
I always feel that I've not
enough sleep and simply can't
go to sleep
easily.? Always tossing
here & there.
According to feng shui which
I've came =across that
sitting / sleeping under the
beam doesn't reflect so
good.? My room =plan
doesn't allow us to place the
bed in good position.?
I'll like to describe a bit of
my =master bed room:
When entering the room, the
toilet is =just beside
the entrance door.? The
window is facing opp. the
Horizontally, I've placed my
dress cardboard and opp. the
dress =cardboard is our
sleeping King Size Bed.?
That's where we placed our
Wedding photo =and there
is a beam on top the photo
& head of the bed.?
Right now the =bed is
slightly slant a bit facing
the entrance door (not
directly facing =entrance
I've thought of changing the
bed =position, the only
position that I can think of
is shifting the bed to beside
the =window.? But
my bed set is quite huge, it
might extend to slightly under
a =window.? I
think sleep under a window is
also not a good position,
isn't =it.
Seems like I've no choice but
to still =sleep under
the beam, could you pls.
advise whether any remedy to
be done to that
I also suspect that the beam
makes both =my husband
& myself sick often now
& then.? We've been
sleeping under =the beam
for the past 6 years.?
(Our daughter is 6 years old
already).? =Our
health seems like declining,
not really in pink
health.? Don't know
is it cause by the beam.
One more question:? about
I've been planning to have my
second =child since 2
years ago.? Ever since
when I've move in to my
presence house, both =of us
have been trying very hard for
the 2nd child.? But till
now, no =good news
of me getting conceive.
Last month I've went to see my
doctor =and had a
minor operation to increase my
chance of having a baby.?
I =have
still no confidence on
conceiving after the
operation.? Could U
advise what kind of auspicious
thing that I can place in my
bedroom or
surrounding house in order to
increase the chance of having
Thanks a lot.
Rdgs.? Christina

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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