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Dear All,
1. In a house hunting effort, a client asked me to comment on this layout plan as they were really interested in this apartment.
2. This is because, the owners are selling it at a very attractive price - very much below valuation.
3. Fortunately, they had asked for a layout plan and asked for an opinion on it.
4. This house is similar to the sketch provided in the attached: slopingsidewall1.gif
5. This apartment can be considered as entrapped or sandwiched in the block of flat. There is a huge missing corner.
6. Such an entrapped house implies: financial distress.
True enough, the current owners were forced to sell the house because of financial problems.
In addition, in the long term, partner's or joint owners (husband and wife) would usually obtain a divorce.
The morale of the story:-
" Before, you place a deposit, always, obtain a copy of the layout plan to check for any distinct slopes etc... "
Happy House Hunting!
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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