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Dear Anon,
1. You can use the Free report " Comparison " to generate the informatin of the binding element for a strong fire and strong wood person.
2. For a partnership (husband and wife); the binding element can be used / introduced in say the master bedroom and especially the living room and dining room areas.
3. The binding element can either be ONE element or TWO element.
If the binding element is only ONE element, in Traditional Astrology analysis, this implies that both parties are said to be compatible.
While if the couple need TWO binding elements, it is said that they are considered `incomptable'.
Using this method or Ba Zi analysis is considered more accurate than using Chinese Astrology. Since, many of the animal signs under Chinese astrology are included under the Ba Zi.
The rationale is simple: A truly thorough Ba Zi analysis, takes in many variables and permutations: Basic Ba Zi includes your Year, Month, Day and TIme of birth and it becomes more accurate with additional House of Life/ House of Conception...
Contrast this with the regular Chinese Astrology, which takes into account usually only the Year of birth.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/12/2002 1:38:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
What will be binding element
for strong Fire and strong
Can you please explain me

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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