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How many have seen the recent movie title: Gangs of New York?
In my opinion, in this film, the only interesting scene is a short segment of Chinese immigrants to New York.
In one of these scenes, despite the gang war going on around the Chinese immigrants, they were busy doing business.
We can use this as a case study:
1. For most Chinese, it is most important for them to see if they can on the basic level try to bring food to the table of family, first.
2. If they are living in subsistence or on basic necessities, many Chinese would divert most of their resources on their next generation.
3. For example, Singapore is a wonderful place because it exercise meritrocity or fairness to anyone without regard to race or religion.
4. In my life-time, I hear or get to hear sons and daughters of cleaners, taxi drivers and even odd-job workers, naturing their children. And many of them even went to University.
5. To many Chinese, to them their `wealth' is their family and especially their children. Whom they feel are their assets. This is where, the hope is that in their old age, they have close relation to care for them (filial piety).
6. I am not saying that other race are not like this. Many of us have a common dream. So, perhaps also do have this in common.
7. Many times I hear of some extremists who strap themselves with explosives or drive a vehicle laden with it to crash into other buildings or people causing injury.
8. Most of the time, the Chinese, usually only fight for either patriotic reasons or to defend their country most of the time.
9. The only race that gave them a bad time was the Mongolians or Manchu who seek to conqueror them. In history, Chinese also do fight each other such as the Republicans vs the Communists.
10. But, I cannot recall any Chinese strapping themselves with bombs. If we look closely at the Gangs of New York, the first thing the Chinese would do is still try to make money in the mist of turmoil.
11. I know money is not everything but, it is one of the key success factors for any person or race. Being prosperous, one could easily conqueror another country today just by buying up real-estate. (Of-course provided there is no restriction to foreigners).
12. Going forward, we can take the cue from above and see how best we can also enrich our lives.
13. Like my close friend Frankie would agree " LIFE IS SHORT, SO ENJOY IT WILL WE CAN ".
14. We need not be literally rich in $$$ but we should instead have quality of life.
15. Personally, I subscribe to this and my work and play is in one and the same location. Anytime, I feel like it, I change into swimming costume to swim. Or take my mountain bike and traverse off-beaten track close-by.
With better Man Luck, we stay healthy, enjoy life and have a better frame of mind to service our clients or reflect on Shapes of things (Shapes and Forms).
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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