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Dear Users,
1. The Luo Han fish craze
One of my friends who is a fish expert, feels very strongly against rearing such a fish. To him, this fish comes from the `drain'. Yes, this is indeed true.
Overall, it is not auspicious to keep two fishes in a single tank even if it is separated by a piece of plastic divider.
The reason for keeping them under separate containers is that these fishes (inclusive of the dragon fish) are territorial fishes who refuse to share their surroundings with another competitor.
I personally feel that keeping two of these fishes is not ideal as it creates disharmony in the family.
2. Flying Star Feng Shui and Fish Tank
Many Xuan Kong or Flying Star Feng Shui practitioners do advise their clients to use fishes that represents both metal and water element.
Since under the Five elements concept, Metal helps water grow.
Since water is represented by blue, black or grey, if the fish tank is a fresh water tank, then, sometimes, a FS practitioner may ask their clients to add 1 black gold fish with ideally 6 gold fishes.
Or 1 black with 7 gold fishes.
(Where #6 represents big metal element) while #7 represents small metal element.
This combination is acceptable.
ALternatively, try to make sure that the fish tank has all five elments:
water = water in the fish tank
rectangle fish tank = earth element
lighting = fire element (need not open 24 hours)
wood = plants in the tank
metal = represented by e.g. gold fish.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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